  • 學位論文


The study on enterprise strategy and brand management of Taiwan metal fashion jewelry industry.

指導教授 : 洪清德


摘要 飾品產業是一個複合應用的產業,包括材料的應用、產品的設計、以及美學應用等複雜屬性的產業。以世界四大時尚之都巴黎、紐約、倫敦、米蘭以及亞洲的首爾、東京、香港等國際著明的飾品之都,年貿易總量(包括轉口貿易) 近1000億美元,已形成一個龐大規模的市場體系,領導全球飾品產業的潮流與發展。然而,在台灣各行各業競爭已十分成熟的狀況下,飾品產業仍處於初級狀態,行業中沒有領導品牌,沒有任何一個品牌的市場佔有率能夠大幅領先其他,也沒有大量的市場報告與研究,這與其他國家明顯不同。因此,本研究旨在以台灣的金屬飾品產業做為載具,深入了解金屬飾品產業的關鍵成功因素,探討金屬飾品業創業策略、品牌經營以及經營模式間之關係,以做為未來有志創業或從事金屬飾品相關產業之參考。 本研究是採用質性個案研究法,為期能反應金屬飾品產業真實營運情況,資 料的蒐集方式是以與個案作半結構性的深度訪談方式進行,並將訪談做成書面資料,再參考其他相關資料及網站訊息做為參考資料。經過上述之研究方法,得到以下之結論: 1.具備金工與技術專業背景,著實是金屬飾品產業中不可或缺的能力之一。 2. 經營金屬飾品產業,品牌行銷是必要的一個條件,且將有助於提升經 營績效。 3. 具備工廠型態的公司,擁有較佳的經營績效。 4. 實體通路將逐漸被網路等虛擬通路取代。 5. 依本研究結果, 在中國設廠並不一定是台灣金屬飾品產業的成功因素之一。


資源基礎 品牌 創業家


Abstract The fashion jewelry industry is a multi-application industry, including the application of material,product design,and esthetics.The annual trading amount between Paris, New York , London,Milan,Soeal , Tokyo and Honkong are over one hundred billion US dolors and had established a huge marketing system to lead the fashion of global. However, within the strict competetion of industries in Taiwan, the fasion jewelry are still at essential stage. There are no leading brand of fasion jewelry and there are no band which marketshare is much ahead over other locial brands. Therefore, this thesis is mean to study and discover the key successed factors of metal fasion jewelry industry, and salso to study the stratage of starting an enterprise and brand management. Quantitative research methods are adopted in this study to reflect the authentic information of fashion jewelry industry. All materials are collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with cases and made in writing afterward. Besides, other related materials and web-site contents are also consulted during the research. The followings are conclusions: 1.It is necseeary factor of fashion jewelry industry to have metalworking and technological background 2. The brand marketing is a key factor to establish a cooperation of fashion industry. 3. The company which was their own factory will have better performance. 4. The acture marketing chanals will be replaced by viture chanelsin future. 5. In this thesis,to have a factory is not a necessary factor of Taiwan fashion jewelry industry.


Resources Based Theory


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