  • 學位論文


The Process Analysis of the Teaching of Imitative Writing Based on an Elementary School

指導教授 : 洪志成


摘 要 有關仿寫作文教學的研究論文不在少數,但研究對象大都僅限於研究者所任教的單一班級,欠缺全校性大規模的實施研究。因此本研究旨在了解曾得過教學卓越獎的深耕國小(化名)推動仿寫作文教學發展的歷程分析,以及推動仿寫作文教學發展至今對師生、學校產生哪些成效,以做為相似學校有效推動仿寫作文教學的參考。為達研究目的,本研究採用質性研究,主要研究參與者有深耕國小的校長、主任、組長及導師,總計為七位,以深度訪談為主要資料來源。另針對35名教師與110名學生以問卷方式來調查教師對作文教學的基本認知與仿寫教學的看法,以及學生對寫作、範文架構賞析與範文仿寫教學的感受,並加上文件分析與省思札記的方式來蒐集資料,然後就所蒐集的資料進行整理、分析與歸納,獲致以下結論: 一、深耕國小推動仿寫作文的階段歷程,包括草創期、穩定期、轉型期,雖各有特點但並非一帆風順。 二、深耕國小持續推動仿寫作文的關鍵因素,有內外在優勢條件、行政推動的延續性及教師配合的齊一性。 三、深耕國小推動仿寫作文的困境與對策 如「一成不變,欠缺改變創新意圖」的困境採轉化「教師信念,創新作文教學」的對策因應,「負荷過重,造成教師壓力過大」的困境則採「微調仿寫內容,減輕教師負擔」的對策因應等。 四、深耕國小推動仿寫作文對成員的成效包括: (一)在學生方面:如學生寫作表達能力增強、中低程度學生的學習有明顯成效等。 (二)在學校教育人員方面:如增加教師縱橫向的合作分享、教師作文教學專業知能提升、教師教學獲得成就回饋、凝聚教師重視仿寫的向心力、促進行政與教師的團隊合作、延續推動仿寫作文教學的經驗、通盤考量以改善相關配套措施。 (三)在學校方面:作文特色提高學校知名度、家長的認同與肯定大幅提升。 綜合上述研究發現與結論,研究者於第五章提出相關建議,以供教育主管機關、個案學校與教師以及未來研究之參考。


The Process Analysis of the Teaching of Imitative Writing Based on an Elementary School Advisor: Dr. Hung, Chih-Cheng Student: Chen, Heng-Chen ABSTRACT The studies on teaching of Imitative writing are not a few, but most of them are limited to a single class. These limited researches are lack of school-wide implementation. Therefore, this study will focus on the school-wide implementation about teaching of Imitative writing. It aims to analyze the developmental processes of an elementary school. The teachers of this school have ever received The Excellence Teaching Award. This research analyses the implementation effects on students, teachers and school. The analytic results of this study can be the guidance for other similar schools. To achieve the purpose, this study uses qualitative research. The main participants are principal, directors, chiefs, and homeroom teachers. The numbers of people are seven. The research adopts In-Depth Interview Methods, Questionnaire Survey, and Document Analysis Techniques to collect the data. In-Depth Interview Methods is the main source of data. Besides, the study also uses Questionnaire Survey to investigate thirty-five teachers and one hundred and ten students. It not only investigates teachers’ basic knowledge about composition teaching and their opinions about teaching of imitative writing, but also inquires into students’ feelings about composition, structures of articles, and teaching of imitative writing. And finally, this study takes Document Analysis Techniques and reflective journals to collect data. According to the analysis and the summary of data, this study has the following conclusions. This research divides the conclusions into five parts. First part describes the developmental processes of teaching of Imitative writing in a specific elementary school. The developmental stages of this school contain the embryonic period, stable period and the transitional period. There are different characteristics in each stage. There are some obstructions of each stage. Second part analyzes the key factor of teaching of Imitative writing. It involves internal and external advantages, administrational supports and teachers' cooperation. Third part presents the obstructs and the strategies. Fourth part concludes the positive efficiency about this school and its members. Fifth part makes the suggestions. According to the analysis, the researcher will give advice to educational authorities, schools, teachers and future researches.




