  • 學位論文


A Process Analysis of Teachers’ Professional Learning Communities in one Elementary School

指導教授 : 洪志成


教師專業學習社群則是教師專業成長的主要方式之一,但極少研究將單一學校所有成員參與社群進行全面跨學年、跨領域之探究。本研究針對教育政策、施行措施等交互影響下,以成長國小(化名)為例,探討教師專業學習社群實際運作於教育現場的情形。成長國小教師社群成立至今5年,本研究歷時1年。 本研究以半結構訪談法進行資料蒐集與質性分析,透過訪談九位成長國小的教育人員、社群活動觀察,以及蒐集社群發展相關文件等方式進行資料蒐集,盼能瞭解學校推動教師專業學習社群背景、發展歷程以及所遭遇的困境。 根據分析結果,獲致以下結論: 一、教師社群的發展呈現上下學期的不均勻,推行方式也影響成效感受。 (一)政策推行採年度與學校教學活動規劃採學年度的差異性,造成社群人事安排、任務賦予、活動安排等困境。 (二)指派性的教師社群參與,專業成長成效低於自主參與方式,也帶來社群發展的干擾。 二、教師社群的參與,易受策略與事務的影響 (一)社群成員組成的異動,可發現科任教師與導師參與有核心—邊陲之現象的興趣需求與參與心理。 (二)社群行政事務接觸較少的參與人員,能較為關注學生學習與教師專業成長。 (三)不同政策的同時推行下,容易讓教師產生排斥、觀望的保守心理與做法。 (四)教育政策的配合心理,會讓教育人員產生捨本改變的因應作為。 三、在社群參與會因遭遇困境而產生因應策略想法 (一)社群發展的困境以時間不足、政策排擠、額外負擔心理等為主。 (二)社群有效運作策略可行性較高者為「原有活動的分享討論」,但卻有需求快速滿足的缺點。 四、教師參與社群的會因社群擔任職務差異而有不同心理歷程變化 (一)社群活動的推行與參與,會因社群參與、成果彙報等事務的差異而有不同。 (二)不同職務所產生的關注點不同,卻都能呈現一致的正面認同看法。 (三)在政策執行下的措施與限制,會產生相對應的改善與改變需求。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以供教育行政單位、學校、教師及後續研究之參考。


Teachers play the critical role for students’ effective learning. Therefore, how to promote teachers’ professional ability has an impact on students’ learning outcome. Teachers’ professional learning community is one of teachers’ professional development.In order to evaluate and analyze the implementation of teachers’ professional learning communities, this research took the Growth elementary school(a pseudonym)as an example to illustrate the interactions between education policy and the implementation of measures.The research lasted for 1 year, investigating the professional learning communities of the elementary school established since 2011. This research used semi-structured interviews to collect and analyze data.The researcher interviewed nine educators of Growth elementary school. Then, he observed the activities of these learning communities and collected the documents of the communities.It aimed to understand the background, process, and obstacles of the teachers’ professional learning communities. According to the analysis, this study came to the following conclusions: First,for the evolution of the development of teachers’ communities: The difference between the yearly policy and school year teaching activity planning caused predicaments of personnel assignment, task endowment, and activity arrangement.The learning community of school was difficult to take effect because of the lack of practical teaching.It was less effective for appointed teachers than volunteer teachers. This obstacle would interfere with the growth of the learning community. Second, for the awareness of teachers’ communities participating under the organization promoting strategies: Subject teachers and homeroom teachers had different interests and participatory psychology.Homeroom teachers were the main participants.Subject teachers were remote form the community.The members of the learning community who had had fewer opportunities to participate in the administrative affairs were able to pay more attention to students’ learning and teachers’ professional development.When different policies were implemented at the same time, it would influence teachers’ behaviors negatively.In this situation, teachers would reject and have conservative attitudes.In order to cooperate with the administrative policies, educators would give up on their original opinions. Third, for facing and coping strategy for constraints of communities operating: The predicaments of the learning community were insufficient time, inappropriate policies, and psychological burdens. The most effective policy was the discussions on original activities.However, the disadvantage was not enough time. Fourth, for the change of mental processes of teachers’ participation: The implementation and participation of the learning community would be different because of the members’ participation and final reports.Different members had diverse viewpoints, but they all had positive attitudes.The measures and limitation of the policies would cause corresponding improvements and changes. Based on the above results, suggestions to the educational administrative authorities, schools, teachers, and future researchers will be provided.


周啟葶(2006)。以「學習社群」促進教師專業發展之分析。中等教育 57(5),94-113。


