  • 學位論文


The Entrepreneurial Process and Business Model of Autonomous Social Enterprise in Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾光華


基於近年來台灣的產官學界對於社會企業的重視,加上許多調查指出消費者越來越渴望一個美好的社會,而願意支持將公益融入商業營運的企業,因此本研究探討自主型社會企業的創業歷程,將創業過程進行拆解,提供有意從事社會企業的有志之士做為參考與借鏡。 本研究透過訪談五位台灣的社會創業家,分析其創業歷程,了解他們的創業動機、探詢其如何發現社會缺口,並自行找尋資源建構一個結合社會與營利目的的社會企業。 經分析後發現,本研究之自主型社會創業家在職場上皆具有一段時間的歷練,在生活無虞的情況並基於人生規劃的考量,而選擇投身於社會企業。個案之創業者於親身經歷、趨勢觀察與工作經驗中發掘社會缺口,找到創業的標的。對於商業模式的建構,無論從產品創新、流程改造、價格破壞等方式進行差異化,運作模式皆能緊扣其價值主張而不背離。


In recent years, the importance of social enterprise is increasing from industries, government and the academia in Taiwan. Also, many surveys found that consumers desire a better society than before, and are willing to support the public enterprises into commercial operation. Therefore, this study investigated the autonomous social enterprise journey as an entrepreneur, dismantling the entrepreneurial process, and providing the result to those with lofty ideals and interested in social enterprise as a reference. In this study, we interviewed five Taiwanese society entrepreneurs, and analyzed each entrepreneurial process. Therefore, we could understand their entrepreneurial motivation, inquire how they found social gap and made their own resources to build a combination of social and commercial purposes of the social enterprise. We found that these five autonomous social entrepreneurs all have experienced a period of time in their own specialized field. But, after they got some achievements from their original works, they decided to transfer another different life road and join in social entrepreneurship. They explored social gap from trend observation, their own life and work experience. Therefore, they found the subject of entrepreneurship. For the construction of the business model, regardless of whether the companies use these five cases in terms of product innovation, process improvement, price and other ways to destroy the difference with other enterprises, mode of operation can be closely linked to its value proposition without departing.


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