  • 學位論文


Case Study: Learning from Hankou Junior High School and Understanding the Factors in How the School Won a National Award for Excellence in Teaching

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


國中教學卓越獎獲獎團隊學習歷程之個案研究- 以臺中市立漢口國中為例 指導教授:胡夢鯨 博士 學生:高佩煖 國立中正大學教育學院教師教學專業發展數位學習碩士在職專班 摘 要 本研究旨在探討漢口國中教學卓越獎獲獎團隊之學習歷程,藉由研究漢中教學卓越團隊的形成與發展,以了解團隊成員的學習行為、團隊共同願景、團隊價值觀與團隊之運作。再以漢中教學卓越團隊獲獎因素之分析,探討漢中教學卓越團隊教師參與教師團隊所產生的影響。 本研究採取個案研究法,以台中市立漢口國中教學卓越團隊為研究對象,透過半結構式訪談、參與觀察與文件分析等三種資料蒐集策略與方法,蒐集漢口國中教學卓越團隊發展歷程的實證資料。 綜合訪談、參與觀察及文件分析所得之資料,本研究歸納結論如下: 一、漢口卓越教學團隊的形成經過萌芽生根準備期、磨合拉鋸發展期、努力 凝聚期、深耕豐收精進期等歷程 二、漢口教學團隊成員具有共同願景與明確目標,夥伴間能主動學習、增能賦權,且有良好的對話分享機制與開放包容的積極回應態度等優質文化。 (一)具有共同願景與明確目標 (二)夥伴間能主動學習、增能賦權 (三)良好的對話分享機制,提振團隊合作精神 (四)開放包容的積極回應,形成教卓團隊的優質文化 三、校長能實踐教師團隊學習理論的課程與教學領導原則 (一)實踐教師團隊學習之共同領導理論,讓成員有充分發揮潛能的機會 (二)以身作則樹立典範,帶領團員攀登高峰 四、漢口教學卓越團隊成員能無私共享,凝聚高度向心力;在教學活化創新及學生學習成果上,展現傲人績效。 (一)無私共享,凝聚共識 (二)懷抱熱情,不忘初衷 五、漢口教學團隊學習成效對整體學校文化具有正向、潛在而深遠的影響。 基於上述結論,本研究分別針對教育工作者、學校行政體系、教育行政機關以及未來後續研究提出若干建議。 關鍵字:教學卓越獎、教學卓越獲獎團隊、團隊學習、個案研究、 發展歷程分析


Case Study: Learning from Hankou Junior High School and Understanding the Factors in How the School Won a National Award for Excellence in Teaching Advisor:Dr. Meng-Jing Hu, Ph.D. Student: Pei-Hsuan Kao Abstract The object of this study was to study and analyze the factors which led the Hankou Junior High School team to win a National Award for Excellence in Teaching and to understand how other schools can learn from the Hankou experiences, programs and strategies. To understand the teaching methods and motivation of the Hankou team in winning the prestigious teaching award, we looked at the Hankou team vision, the team values and the teamwork programs which led to the school winning the award. By looking at these factors, we can understand how other schools can learn from these lessons and undertake a similar strategy at their schools. The study looks to understand the impact of the award on the teachers, students and administration and the factors which led to their winning the National Award. This research adopts a single-case-study method using interviews, observations and analysis of data and records, to understand how and why the Hankou team won the award. Based on the above collected data, we reached the following con-clusions: 1. The development of the Hankou team can be seen as having undergone four phases: (1) budding-root-preparatory phase, (2) running-saw-development phase, (3) cohesive-efforts phase and (4) deep-plowing-harvest-sophisticated phase. 2. The Hankou team demonstrated four outstanding characteristics: (1) A common vision and clear objective (2) Initiative to create and emphasize learning to empower students (3) Good communication between the students, teachers and school administration (4) Open, friendly school environment to foster warm team school spirit and culture 3. It is possible for other schools to emulate the success of the Hankou team by using their programs and strategies. (1) With a “flying geese” type of curriculum, team members must work together towards one goal, such as to improve the excellence of their school by increasing the test scores of their students and improving the teachings and quality of school life. (2) By practicing a five level leadership program, schools can strive for a higher level of achievement by improving its teaching quality which can only benefit the school and its students. 4. The Hankou team showed selfless sharing in a tight cohesive working environment which allowed everyone to communicate openly and well at all levels.The Hankou team demonstrated impressive initiatives and a total committed motivation to create new innovative teaching strategies which allowed them to obtain the maximum performance from the students in their learning en-vironment. 5. The impact of the Hankou team had a lasting positive effect not only on the students, but also on the teachers, administrative staff and the overall school environment. Based on the above study, we conclude that the team at Hankou Junior High School can offer some good lessons in how teachers and admin-istrators at other schools can learn from this Hankou team to improve their teaching methods, improve their students’ potential and at the same time improve the overall school experience. Some recommendations that schools can adopt to follow similar excellence strategies are outlined and discussed. Keywords:National Award for Excellence in Teaching, Teaching Excellence winning team, Team learning, analysis of development progress, study case


教育部 (民99)。第八次全國教育會議大會手冊 教育部 (頁51-58)
