  • 學位論文

高齡者參與志願服務及其生命意義之探討 -以臺南市港東社區照顧關懷據點為例

指導教授 : 蔡秀美


摘 要 本研究主要探討高齡者參與志願服務及其生命意義。主要的研究目的為:瞭解高齡 志工參與志願服務的動機、探討高齡志工參與志願服務的感受、探究高齡志工對生命意 義的看法及根據研究結論提出建議作為供高齡者參與志願服務及未來相關研究之參 考。 為達上述研究目的,研究者採用立意抽樣的方式找到符合本研究需求的5 位港東社 區照顧關懷據點的高齡志工為研究對象,進行半結構式訪談,進行資料分析與討論,最 後提出結論與建議。根據研究結果的討論,歸納出結論如下: 壹、高齡者參與志願服務之動機多元,且大多與個人生活情境因素相關 貳、高齡者認為參與志願服務是無私奉獻社會的助人行為,也是很有意義的事 參、參與志願服務過程中,良好的人際互動關係讓高齡志工深受感動 肆、高齡者參與志願服務的收穫偏向個人層面,且具有正面的影響 伍、高齡者接受人生的不圓滿,其人生評價的好壞受到家庭的和諧程度與工作上的成就 的影響 陸、高齡志工認為完成生命每一個階段的發展任務,人生才有意義;其追求的目標主要 是身體健康 柒、高齡志工對死亡的看法正向,以坦然的態度面對死亡 捌、高齡志工表示未來持續參與志願服務的意願高與規劃其他學習課程 關鍵字:高齡者、志願服務、生命意義


生命意義 志願服務 高齡者


ABSTRACT The study is to explore the elder participants in volunteering and life meaning. The main purposes of the study are: to understand the motives of the elder volunteers’ participation in service, to investigate the feelings of the elder volunteers’ participation in service, to probe the elder volunteers’ views on the meaning of life. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the researchers found using purposive sampling approach in line with the research needs of five volunteers from Gang-dong Community Care Station for the study. There conducted semi-structured interviews, data analysis and discussion, the final conclusions and suggestions. According the findings of the study, there are some conclusions as following: 1. Elder volunteers have diverse motives, mostly related to situational factors and personal life. 2. Elder think volunteering is social helping behavior, but also the significant thing. 3. To participate in volunteer service process, good interpersonal relationships so deeply moved by elder volunteers. 4. Elder volunteers gain harvest in personal level, and have a positive impact. 5. Elder to accept life's not complete, evaluation the quality of their lives by their families and work in harmony degree of success. 6. Elder volunteers that complete every stage of life development tasks, life makes sense; their main goal is body health. 7. Elder volunteers have positive perception of death, to undisturbed attitude in the face of death. 8. Elder volunteers indicate high willingness to volunteer and participate other learning programs in the future. Key words: The elders、volunteering、life meaning


life meaning volunteering The elders


