  • 學位論文


The Emotional Labor of Elementary School Teachers: The Impact of Positive Discipline Policy

指導教授 : 洪志成


國小教師之情緒勞務:正向管教政策之衝擊 情緒勞務以往多研究不同職業其情緒勞務展現,較少探討政策引發情緒勞務這個面項。本研究以探討在正向管教政策衝擊下,不同職務的教師在進行管教,面對情緒勞務來源時,其情緒展現的方式與脈絡源。本研究主要採質性訪談,研究參與者為中南部十五位國小老師,分別兼任學務主任、導師與科任老師。主要研究結果發現如下: 一、科任老師在管教時的情緒勞務主要來源有兩方面,分別來自學生與任課班導師;依其年資高低、是否為代課身份其展現有不同。整體而言,其表層演出(surface acting)有表情嚴肅/避免混亂;無法認同/表面友好等16項;深層演出(deep action)有抑制無奈/課餘盯人;維持友誼/合力經營等13項。其中的初任代課科任的情緒勞務明顯與其他科任老師不同,在師生互動與同事互動上有較多的表層演出,而代課老師因其身份,與正式老師也有不同,展現在同事互動上,明顯有「雖無法認同/表面友好」的負向表層演出。 二、個案導師因應管教困難學生時展現不同的情緒勞務,其中可因其理念不同加以區隔出責任型與自保型兩種。整體而言,責任型導師有勉強花時間/言出必行;抑制無效的無奈/尋求他法等21種表層演出;抑制學生再犯的怒氣/剝奪權利輔導/自勉協助/達到管教效能等16項深層演出。而自保型導師則有順從法令/正向口吻;壓抑學生容易再犯而施以罰站/請行政監督等20種表層演出和詳細聯繫/以善盡告知義務等7項深層演出。由比例來看,可知自保型導師有較多的表層演出,而責任型導師較有轉化而展現深層演出。 三、個案導師因應管教困難學生引發情緒勞務其中可因其理念不同加以區隔出責任型與自保型兩種。責任型導師的勞務來源主要為不配合與不理性的家長,其次為學生再犯行為和無法認同管教方式的科任師。而自保型導師的勞務來源主要為不配合、不認同的家長,其次為學生再犯行為和要求協助的科任師。另外自保型導師若與訓育人員理念不同或覺得支援無效會加重其勞務負荷,可見自保型導師的情緒勞務來源較責任型導師多樣。 四、訓育人員在管教時的情緒勞務主要來源有兩方面,分別來自要求支援的老師與學生;依管教理念展現有不同。整體而言,表層演出有運用條例/依法行事;權限不清/表面處理等19項;深層演出有自勉嚴肅/形象展示;抑制挫折/培養感情等15項。其中對同事的抑制負向表層演出有7項如抑制理念不同/無奈居中處理,顯示訓育人員最主要的情緒勞務來源為無法認同管教作法的教師。另外愈積極協助輔導的訓育人員其情緒勞務的種類和面向也愈多。 五、下列三類兼職教師(初任代課老師、自保型導師和資歷二十年以上的訓育主任),其對於正向管教的負面看法遠多於正向看法。而五年以上科任老師,責任型導師和十到十五年資歷的訓育人員則較肯定正向管教的立意。不過,所有的老師都認為因為法令不完整而導致遇到管教困難學生或不理性、不負責家長時會滯礙難行,引發高情緒勞務。 最後,研究者根據研究發現加以討論,並對教師、教育主管、及未來研究提出建議。 關鍵字:情緒勞務、國小教師、正向管教


The Emotional Labor of Elementary School Teachers: The Impact of Positive Discipline Policy Abstract This study is an attempt to investigate the impact of positive discipline policy: What is the source of the emotional labor occurs when the teachers held various positions are performing positive discipline? What is the type to show the emotional labor? This study takes the method of qualitative interview and has findings are as follows: Firstly, the emotional labor of the subject-matter teachers during their disciplining their students have two main sources, from students and homeroom teachers; according to their seniority level, and whether he/she is a substitute to show the different identities. The emotional labor of a newly, substitute, subject-matter teacher is obviously different from the other subject teachers, which performs more surface acting in the interaction with students and colleagues. Secondly, homeroom teachers show different types of acting in terms of emotional labor when dealing with hard-to-discipline students. The emotional labor can be differentiated into responsible type and captive type due to the different beliefs they hold. Teachers of captive type perform more surface acting while teachers of responsible type show more deep action due to transformation. Thirdly, the main source of emotional labor of teachers of responsible type are irrational parents who are not willing to cooperate, students who make the same mistakes, and subject-matter teachers who don’t approve the disciplinary policy. The main source of teachers of captive type are irrational parents who are not willing to cooperate, students who make the same mistakes, and subject-matter teachers who ask for assistance. Additionally, teachers of captive type will feel overloaded if they have different beliefs from discipline staff or feel frustrated about ineffective support. As a result, the source of emotional labor of teachers of captive type are more than teachers of responsible type. Fourthly, the main source of emotional labor of discipline staff are from homeroom teachers and students according to discipline beliefs. Additionally, when discipline staff exercise more discipline, they are likely to have more emotional labor. Fifthly, all teachers agree that they have difficulties in disciplining or communicating with irrational parents due to incomplete law and therefore it causes high emotional labor. Finally, the researcher discusses implications based on the findings and provides suggestions to teachers, government, and future research. Key word:Emotional Labor、Elementary School Teachers、Positive Discipline Policy


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