  • 學位論文


A Study on the Employee Compensation Award System:Focusing on Restricted Stocks

指導教授 : 王志誠


員工獎酬制度,係指企業除發放給員工之薪資報酬以及原本可得之獎金外,另行給與員工具有獎勵性質之報酬,以激勵員工提昇其工作績效之制度。此外,員工獎酬制度亦具有激勵員工士氣、提升員工之歸屬感、增進公司之財務績效等功能,創造員工與企業雙贏之局面。再者,員工獎酬制度亦能吸引公司所需之專業人才以及留任優秀員工。故員工獎酬制度可謂現今企業發展之重要因素之一。 我國員工獎酬制度態樣眾多,除員工分紅制度、員工分紅入股制度、員工認股權契約制度、員工庫藏股制度以及員工新股認購權制度外,2011年更引進美國法之「限制型股票」制度。使我國之員工獎酬制度更加豐富與完整,亦更加具有彈性。我國之限制型股票制度,即公司法第267條第8項所稱之「限制員工權利新股」,係指公司發行股票,在員工符合既得條件之情形下,無償給予員工或以優惠價格由員工認購。員工取得股票後需先將股票交付信託,於既得條件達成後方可取得完整之所有權。本文主要以此制度為研究之對象,除探討制度之主要內涵外,更針對截至2013年6月30日止,37家已採行限制員工權利新股制度之公司做分析,以了解目前新制於我國施行之概況與可能產生之疑義。 限制員工權利新股制度亦屬我國會計實務施行員工分紅費用化後,其配套措施之一環。其保留了員工分紅以及員工分紅入股制度之優點,並且可減緩員工分紅費用化之後所帶來之衝擊。本文認為我國引進此制,殊值肯認。惟目前修法至今,施行時間尚短,企業採行之後其成效如何,以及是否會有其他疑義產生,仍有待後續之觀察。


Employee compensation mechanism refers to a system that enterprises not only give employees their salary and bonus, but compensation that rewards their work performances as well. This system can enhance the employees’ work performances and the financial performances of the enterprises. Also, it inspires the morale and the sense of belonging of the employees. Furthermore, employee compensation mechanism can attract the professionals that an enterprise need, and make the excellent staffs to stay in the enterprise longer. Thus, a perfect and appropriate employee compensation system is an important element of the development of an enterprise. There are many kinds of employee compensation mechanism in Taiwan. In addition to employee profit sharing, employee stock ownership, employee stock option, treasury stocks and employee stock warrant, it is recommended that the restricted stocks system from United States in 2011. It makes our employee compensation mechanism more plentiful, complete, and more flexible. The restricted stock system is stipulated in Article 267, Paragraphs 8 to 10 of the Taiwan’s Company Act. Restricted stocks means that a company offering its shares to the public and issuing restricted stock for employees, and the employees who fit with the vesting conditions can get the restricted stock for free or buy with a lower price. However, they have to entrust these restricted stocks, and only when satisfying the vesting conditions can they get the whole ownership. This thesis mainly studies on the restricted stock system of Taiwan. To realize the general situation of operating and the probable difficulties of the restricted system, this thesis discusses not only the main contents of this system, but the 37 enterprises who adopt this system up to June 30, 2013. The restricted stock system is one of the supplementary measures of the expenditure of employee bonus shares. It keeps the advantages of the employee profit sharing and the employee stock ownership, but can make the impact to ease off. This thesis endorses the recommending of the restricted stocks system in 2011. But we have to follow up to observe how it works and whether there are any probable difficulties.


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