  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 歐進士


民主政治的發展,使得選民對候選人的要求更高,選舉的競爭愈發激烈,各政黨與候選人無不竭盡心力爭取選民認同尋求連任。本研究主要探討民意代表連任之關鍵成功因素,透過文獻分析及對嘉義市議員深度訪談調查歸納出:「嘉義市議員連任關鍵成功因素」分別為:個人特質因素及競選策略因素。個人特質因素包括:個人魅力、外在行為、形象問題、家庭婚姻、經歷與學歷、黨籍與省籍。選舉策略因素包括:政見訴求、地方派系、戰術操作、選區經營、陳情處理、溝通通路、選民服務。 本研究基於以下假設:1.民意代表個人特質因素是否為選民投票的依據。2.民意代表競選策略因素是否影響選民的投票行為。本研究發現對民意代表而言,個人特質因素及競選策略因素皆為連任成功之重要因素。其中最重要分別為選民服務、形象特質、選戰策略。 希望藉此研究,讓民意代表更加了解如何贏得選民認同與支持,擬定出自己的競選策略、目標,打贏選戰連任成功,持續為民服務。


The results of democratic transition not only impose stricter criteria on candidates but also intensify the electoral competition in Taiwan. Political parties and their candidates spare no effort to gain voters’ recognition in order to be re-elected for another term of office. The objective of this thesis is to identify the key factors that contribute to the re-election of elected representatives. By conducting literature analysis and depth interviews with the councilors of Chia-Yi City, this thesis identifies two dimensions of factor that contribute to the re-election of those councilors. The first dimension is personal characteristics, including charisma, behavior, personal image, the state of family and marriage, work experience and education, party membership and provincial origin. The second dimension is campaign strategies, including political opinions and appeals, local fractions, tactic deployment, management of constituency, acceptance of petitions, communication channels, and voter services. This thesis attempts to address two research questions. First, do the constituencies vote according to the personal characteristics of the candidates? Second, do the factors of candidates’ campaign strategies influence the voting of the constituencies? This thesis identifies that both the factors of personal characteristics and those of campaign strategies help the representatives be re-elected. The most important factors include voter services, personal image, and campaign strategies. In sum, this thesis seeks to provide the elected representatives with a better understanding of how to win voters’ recognition and support, according to which the representatives develop proper campaign strategies, and thereby win the election and serve for another term of office.


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