  • 學位論文


The Learning Processes of Middle-aged and Older Adults’ Future Preparation: Perspectives of Proactive Coping

指導教授 : 李雅慧


本研究旨在以前瞻因應觀點探討影響中高齡者對於未來準備之促進因素,以及瞭解其對於未來準備所採取的學習行動之內涵,進而探討其要如何準備對於未來的規劃與實踐,茲就其具體研究目的如下: 一、探討影響中高齡者對於未來準備之促進因素。 二、探討中高齡者對於未來準備之學習行動之內涵。 三、探討中高齡者對於未來準備的規劃與實踐。 四、根據研究結果提出建議以提供給中高齡者、高齡教育領域之專家、相關機構等參考。 為了以前瞻因應觀點對我國中高齡者未來準備學習歷程作深入的探究,本研究採用 質性研究法,並以半結構式深度訪談的方式對八位45歲以上且一年學習100小時以上的中高齡學習者進行訪談,藉此本研究獲得以下八項結論: 一、中高齡者進行未來準備是為了因應「工作」、「老化」、「退休生活」以及「個人自我實現」等需求。 二、中高齡者未來準備之促進因素是:家庭因素與自我反思。其中家庭因素包括:家人鼓勵、家人退休後生活不適應;自我反思的因素包括:為了轉換跑道或升遷、擔憂自己身體健康、繼續與社會保持互動、想要彌補過去遺憾。 三、65歲以下之中高齡者對於未來準備是以發展第二生涯的「工作需求」和完成夢想與彌補先前遺憾的「個人自我實現需求」為主;65以上中高齡者對於未來準備為健康與心理調適做準備的「老化需求」和追求有意義生活及結交朋友的「退休生活需求」為主。 四、中高齡者為因應未來需求所採取的學習行動以「非正規學習」形式為主,如:救國團、樂齡大學、老人大學、樂齡學習中心和長青學苑等。 五、中高齡者在學習的過程中累積專業知識(老化知識、第二生涯相關知識)、學習資源管道(救國團、老人大學、樂齡大學、樂齡學習中心、長青學苑等)、人際關係和規劃等資源。 六、中高齡者進行未來準備學習行動所獲得的回饋,包括能應用於生活中、獲得成就感、有能力貢獻他人、結交不同朋友、過有意義的生活…等,有助於其因應與規劃未來問題。 七、中高齡者從過去經驗進行反思,認為在學習後獲得正向的回饋,而為了維持身體健康、所學能應用於生活中、可繼續服務他人,使其引發後續規劃且願意繼續參與學習活動,最終可成為終身學習與貢獻者。 八、中高齡者未來準備學習歷程為一連串經驗學習的循環,包含未來準備促進因素:潛在壓力源、某事件發生和學習動機;前瞻因應之實際行動:學習的內容有正規、非正規和非正式學習的管道,以及累積專業知識、人際關係、學習管道與健康規劃等資源;未來準備學習後之收穫:所學能立即應用、獲得價值感與成就感、有能力服務他人、懂得規劃以因應未來、人生觀轉變以及拓展人際關係等;最後在回饋階段有獲得正向回饋者,有助於其產生未來準備之後續規劃,並再次投入學習當中。 最後將研究結果與結論提出建議,以供政府機關、高齡教育專家與相關機構、中高齡者和未來研究者之參考。


The current research aims to explore the learning processes of middle-aged and older adults’ future preparation based on proactive coping perspectives. In addition, this study targets to discover the future preparation of middle-aged and older adults as well as explore promotional factors which would influence their future preparation in order to understand how they generated the learning processes of future preparation. Hence, the researcher listed the following specific purposes: 1.Examining the influence of middle-aged and older adults’ promotional factors in future preparation. 2.Observing the learning actions of middle-aged and older adults’ future preparation. 3.Discovering how middle-aged and older adults plan and practice their future life. 4.Providing suggestions for middle-aged and older adults, the educational institutions of older adults, the government, and future research based on the results of the study. To explore the learning processes of middle-aged and older adults’ future preparation in proactive coping in depth, we conducted a qualitative method and semi-structure interviews with 8 middle-aged and older adults over 45 years old who had participated in learning activities more than 100 hours every year. The researcher presented eight findings from the research: 1.Middle-aged and older adults generated the ideas and actions of future preparation that they want to cope with the needs of “Work”, “Aging”, “Retirement life”, and “Self-actualization”. 2.The influences of middle-aged and older adults’ promotional factors in future preparation were family factors and self-reflection. Family factors included: a) encouragement from family or b) family members not adapted to retirement life. Self-reflection factors included a) converting the runway or promotion, b) worrying about their health, c) maintaining interaction with society, and d) making up for the past regrets). 3.The future preparation of middle-aged adults below 65 years was based on the development a second career of the “Work need” and the achievement of their dream or compensation for previous regrets of “Self-actualization needs”. In addition, the future preparation of older adults above 65 years were based on physical health and psychological adjustment of the “Ageing needs”, and pursuing a meaningful life as well as of the “Retirement life needs” achieved by making friends. 4.The middle-aged and older adults participated in learning activities to cope with future needs. Their learning type is “non-formal learning”, such as learning in China Youth Corps, the senior citizen social college, senior citizens learning camp, senior citizens learning center and senior citizen adult education program, etc. 5.The middle-aged and older adults accumulated resources such as professional knowledge (e.g. knowledge of ageing and of relevant second career), learning resources from China Youth Corps and the senior citizen social college, senior citizens learning camp, senior citizens learning center, senior citizen adult education programs, interpersonal relationship, and life planning made during their learning process. 6.The middle-aged and older adults obtained feedback when they took learning actions for future preparation, including the application of life, getting a sense of achievement, ability to contribute to others, making different friends, a meaningful life, etc. Profoundly, their feedback would help them cope with and plan for future problems. 7.The middle-aged and older adults do reflections based on their previous learning experiences, and they believe that they may obtain positive feedback after learning. In this case, they suppose that they can maintain their good health, apply the knowledge in real-life, continue to contribute to others that caused the follow-up planning and actions, and finally become lifelong learners and contributors. 8.The learning processes of middle-aged and older adults’ future preparation is a circular series of experiential learning which includes four stages: a) the promotional factors of future preparation (e.g. a potential source of stress, an event occurs, and learning motivation); b) learning content and accumulation of resources from future preparation: the learning contents included “formal”, “non-formal” and “informal” learning types and accumulation of resources included professional knowledge, interpersonal relationship, learning resource and planning for health; c) the rewards from the learning of future preparation: the application of life, getting a sense of value and achievement, ability to contribute to others, life changes, and expand interpersonal relationship, etc.; and d) this process will help them generate the follow-up planning for future preparation, and rejoin the learning process if the middle-aged and older adults get positive rewards in the feedback stage of proactive coping. To sum up, the results of this study can provide suggestions for middle-aged adults, the institution of older adult educational, the government, and future research as future reference.


