  • 學位論文


The Study of Crime Patterns and Investigation Strategies for Stranger Sexual Assault- A Case Analysis of Nantou County

指導教授 : 楊士隆


本研究針對陌生人性侵案件,分析性侵害犯罪之型態、方式、趨勢、習性及 手法,歸納出犯罪嫌疑人可能的特性,分析犯罪模式,協助偵查人員縮小偵查範 圍,擬定偵查策略,並找出可資建構資料庫的相關項目,突破偵辦瓶頸。 研究設計以文獻分析及針對7名個案,選自臺中及嘉義監獄,個案大部份連 續犯三件以上陌生人間強制性交犯罪者;訪談個案分為四大類型:親密渴望型、 控制滿足型、犯罪習性型與混亂失控型;其作案手法分成犯罪前行為、犯罪中行 為與犯罪後行為三個階段,探究不同類型在不同的犯罪階段,各自表現出不同的 行為特徵;並訪談3 名南投縣現職刑事警察人員,年資超過20 年,曾偵辦過陌 生人性侵案件之刑事小隊長,以瞭解在偵辦時的偵查策略與個案之間的差異性。 研究發現個案犯案前的心理狀態多處於正常且有理智,有時正面臨某些壓 力;但在犯案前並沒有明顯措施或複雜的準備工作;且會依個案不同的主觀認知 來挑選被害對象;犯罪中行為階段為犯罪過程中的核心部份,包括三個面向:語 言行為方面,親密型比其他三種類型採取較為軟化的行為,犯後會對被害人說抱 歉或對不起;肢體行為方面則屬混亂型採取的暴力程度最為殘忍;性行為方面個 案可能對被害人陰道性交、口交、手指侵入陰道。除上述之外,有些個案會在作 案過程中會嚇令被害人閉上眼晴或是用口罩將被害人眼晴蓋住,以防止被害人日 後指認;犯罪後行為多取走有價值物品及被害人的衣物、身份證;有部份個案甚 至在犯案後仍留在現場與被害人互動,另有個案挾持被害人長達22 小時,期間 連續性侵被害人數次;至於個案在犯案後態度大多感到後悔;個案被捕原因均自 DNA 比對,犯罪現場採證與科學舉證實為重要。 研究亦發現每個不同類型皆出現,犯罪手法的演進與中心主題的惡化,因此 可以用這兩種傾向,研擬偵查方法與策略,縮小偵查範圍,逮捕犯罪嫌疑人,此 外,突破犯嫌心防的詢問策略,以確實清查潛在的連續案件,可提升犯罪偵查技 術。


This study is to explore the cases of sex crime by analyzing crime patterns, methods, trend, habitual behavior, technique. After generalize the possible characteristic of offenders and the pattern of crime, some of the relative items can be constructed in database and favorable for making a breakthrough of investigation predicament. On the foundation of reference documents analysis, the qualitative research was developed in this research. To understanding the difference about the investigation tactics and criminal patterns, 7 prisoners that commit the sexual offender for strangers in central Taiwan and 3 detectives that serviced for the rape investigation division in Nantou County were interviewed. These criminal cases could be classed into four types, including intimate anxiety, control satisfied, criminal habitus and disorder incontrollable. In deep analysis offender process and behavior expression in different stages, several results were found in this research. 1. Most of the offenders have the normal mentality and regular mind before bringing into the force, and some suspects have face certain pressure in their life. The target selection was depended on their subjective cognitive for the woman. 2. In the core of the criminal, more of the regret behavior was appeared in the type of intimate anxiety; more violated act was used in the type of disorder incontrollable. Several sexual acts were used in these cases, including vagina contact with reproductive organs, oral and fingers. To avoid of testify, some victims were asked to closing eye or covering with some objects. Most of the offense period was broken off in one hour, but extend to 22 hour in one special case. 3. Some of the goods were taken away of after leaving the crime scene, like the ID cards, clothes and cash. The offenders were apologized for the criminal behaviors. Due to the DNA evidences were identified in all cases, forensic science and crime scene investigation were very important in the future. To go along with the variation of theme, behavior could be evolution in all four criminal types. These trends could be used to frame the investigation tactics and narrow the scope of suspects. Furthermore, the interrogation technique and check the potential serial cases thoroughly were suggested in this research.


