  • 學位論文


A Study of Negotiating Behavior in the 1994-95 Major League Baseball Collective Bargaining

指導教授 : 許繼峰


美國職棒大聯盟的1990-93年團體協約於1993年12月31日到期,球員工會與球隊老闆因此從1993年起開始進行新團體協約的談判,但歷經17個月的努力後雙方仍未達成共識,導致勞方決定罷工232天,938場比賽因此取消。在這次罷工中,勞方共損失2億3,000萬美元,資方共損失5億8,000萬美元,更重要的是勞資雙方共同失去了棒球迷的信任。 過往研究對此事件發生原因的分析,主要集中在傳統勞資關係上,卻鮮少從談判行為的理論進行詳細探討。因此本研究透過蒐集相關文獻,並應用談判理論來分析1994-95年發生美國職棒大聯盟罷工的主要原因,其中包括勞資雙方的談判歷史、此次談判的過程、談判的主要爭執議題、勞資雙方在談判過程中應用的策略與戰術,及不當勞動行為裁決對談判結果的影響。 研究發現,導致罷工的主要原因,除了有勞資雙方因過往不和睦的談判歷史造成的緊張關係與敵視態度外,還有對「薪資上限」議題遲遲無法達到共識。球員工會與球隊老闆在整個談判過程中,大多數時間採取分配性協商的模式,並應用競爭策略與戰術試圖讓對方讓步,因此導致嚴重的談判僵局。後續由於資方被裁決有違反不當勞動行為的事實,才讓罷工結束。勞資雙方後來改採整合性協商的模式,成功簽訂1997-2001的團體協約。 本研究因此建議,未來職業運動聯盟面對像薪資這樣的分配性議題時,應該採取整合性協商而非分配性協商的模式。以混合策略進行談判,並試著提出創意方案、找到共同利益來擴大勞資雙方可獲得的資源,如此才能避免勞資爭議的發生。


The 1990-93 Major Baseball Basic Agreement was due to expire on Dec. 31st 1993, thus the Major League Baseball Players Association and the owners had started negotiation for a new Basic Agreement since Jan. 1993. However, none came to any consensus after seventeen months of diligence, and the union selected to strike for 232 days, causing 938 games cancellation. During the strike, the labor lost a total of 230 million salaries, and the management vice versa, a total of 580 million revenues. What seemed to cost both side the most, was the forever trust from baseball fans. Former studies upon the cause of this event primarily concentrated on the analysis of a more traditional labor-management perspective, and seldom did any negotiating behavior theories being applied to its scrutiny. This study, therefore, by collecting relevant literature and applying negotiation theories to this event, attempts to analyze the main causes of 1994-95 strike, which include the negotiating history between the union and the owners, the process of this negotiation, the main issues, strategies and tactics utilized by both side during negotiation, and the influence of unfair labor practices ruling on the negotiating result. Major research findings are as followed: Other than the intense relationship and adversity caused by their past negotiating history, it was the “Salary Cap” proposal that had deterred the labor-management consensus. The union and the owners had mostly adopted distributive bargaining model during negotiation, trying to force the other side to concession by using contending strategies and tactics, and thus leading to severe impasse. Afterwards, the union ended the strike in the sense of management being found guilty for unfair labor practices, and both sides returned to the table and successfully negotiated the 1997-2001 Basic Agreement, by adopting integrative bargaining model. This study, as a result, suggests that professional sports leagues, while facing distributive bargaining issues such as salaries in the future, ought to seek for using the integrative bargaining model instead of distributive one’s. In other words, via compound strategies and presenting creative resolution, the labor and the management shall find some common interests and expand their pies, therefore avoiding any future labor disputes.


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