  • 學位論文


Probe into Cooperative Mechanism and Practice of Law Enforcement between Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits and the Philippines from the Angle of Global Governance of Transnational Crime

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


跨國犯罪是全球化時代的產物,並為全球性議題,海峽兩岸及菲律賓皆為國 際社會一員,加上地理位置相近且交流頻繁,自然無法避免受其威脅,三地跨國 犯罪類型雖不盡相同,但歸納其中人口販運、毒品販運、洗錢犯罪及詐欺犯罪之 危害最大。 本研究將全球治理概念引入打擊跨國犯罪領域,以全球治理五大要素分析內 涵,其治理跨國犯罪的價值在於維護國際社會的正常秩序、實現全體人類的普世 價值;其治理客體即為跨國犯罪;其治理主體則包含主權國家、國際組織及民間 團體;其治理規制,係包括所有用以調節國際間規範跨國犯罪的各項原則、標準、 政策、協議及程序;其治理結果,則是透過一定評估標準測定各項規制能否具體 展現執法合作的績效,達成跨國犯罪全球治理的具體實踐。具體而言,為打擊跨 國犯罪所進行的各項國際執法合作,即為跨國犯罪的全球治理。 雖然海峽兩岸及菲律賓三方積極參與如制定簽署相關國際公約、遵循公約精 神完善國內法令、建制相對應之專責機構、參與各項執法合作機制、簽訂雙邊執 法合作協議等跨國犯罪全球治理機制,但仍發現因政治體制差異、外交關係影 響、司法管轄歸屬、資源分配多寡、價值體系落差、專業訓練良莠、文化習俗不 同等諸多因素,影響到各方參與之意願,形成執法合作上之困境與障礙。 觀察近年來跨國犯罪全球治理的發展趨勢,已朝強調直接合作減少中間環 節,適時輔助刑事司法互助體系,體現扮演補充性的角色,並以引渡或遣返來追 查罪犯、以追繳犯罪所得資產來阻斷金流,呼籲三方具備充分的政治意願、適當 的法律體制、支持的參與文化及足夠的專業能力,克服障礙而達成跨國犯罪全球 治理的良善治理。


Transnational crime is the product of globalization and has become a global issue. The fact that both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the Philippines are members of the international community which are close to each other with frequent exchanges makes these three areas vulnerable to the threat of transnational crime. The crime types of these three areas are not the same, but in general, the top four types with greatest hazard are human trafficking, drug traffic, money laundering and fraud. This research introduces global governance into the field of transnational crime and analyzes the content with the five elements of global governance. The value of governing transnational crime lies in maintaining the order of international community and realizing common value of the entire human being. The object of governance is transnational crime and the subject include sovereign states, international organizations and non-governmental organizations. The regulation of governance include all principles, standards, policies, agreements and procedures that are used to adjust the international rule of transnational crime. The results of governance is to assess whether various regulations can reflect the performance of collaborative law enforcement and realize the concrete practice of global governance of transnational crime or not. Specifically speaking, global governance of transnational crime is various international cooperation in law enforcement which aims at combating transnational crime. Although both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the Philippines play active role in global governance mechanism such as formulating and signing relevant international convention, abiding by convention spirits and perfecting domestic laws and decrees, establishing corresponding special institution, participating in law enforcement cooperative mechanism and signing bilateral law enforcement cooperation agreement, predicaments and obstacles in law enforcement still exist because of various factors that affect participation intention of all parties. These factors include differences in political systems, impact of diplomatic relations, affiliation of judicial jurisdiction, disparity in resource distribution, disparity in value systems, differences in professional training level, differences in culture conventions. The development trend of global governance of transnational crime has changed into emphasizing direct cooperation , reducing intermediate link and embodying its supplementary role in mutual assistance system of criminal justice. Measures such as capturing criminals through extradition and repatriation, interdicting capital flow by retrieving illegal property obtained by criminals and appealing three parties to have replete political intentions, appropriate legal system, supportive participation culture and sufficient professional competence help all parties to overcome obstacles and achieve good global governance of transnational crime.


(三)專書篇章(Book Chapters)
