  • 學位論文


The Research on Transformative Learning Process in Negative Emotion of Elementary School Special Education Teachers

指導教授 : 張菀珍


本研究目的主要探討特教班教師負向情緒轉化學習歷程,包含特教班教師負向情緒來源及對教學上的影響、教師負向情緒轉化的歷程和教師情緒轉化後對教學的影響。 研究設計為質性研究取向,受訪者共有四位,為擔任特教班教師達十年以上,熱愛特教班工作,未來並願意繼續任教於特教班之教師。以半結構式訪談方式收集資料,並以詮釋現象學的方法分析整理資料,獲得研究結論如下: 壹、特教班教師負向情緒來源主要為學生學習與行為問題、家長態度不佳、與同事溝通相處不良、自覺專業能力不足、對自己的表現要求高、缺少正向情感回饋、與教學無關的雜務很多。 貳、特教班教師在負向情緒中對教學的影響為「造成學生緊張的學習情緒」、「影響班級氣氛」、「教學活動缺乏創新或整合」、「影響親師溝通的流暢性」、「教師身心出狀況」。 參、特教班教師負向情緒轉化為正向情緒的歷程可分為二:「遭遇困境→引發反思→用新觀點指導未來行動→新生活新感受」以及「遭遇困境→採取嘗試行動→在行動中引發反思→用新觀點指導未來行動→新生活新感受」。 肆、特教班教師發生負向情緒轉化學習後,對教學的影響是「應用經驗,用輕鬆的身心狀態陪伴學生」、「觀念改變帶動事情轉彎」、「放下擔憂去求助,縮短焦慮時間」、「用不同的眼光看學生,使教學更有成就感」、「心境改變後,給工作創造正向意義」。 依據上述研究結果,提出以下建議: 壹、對特教班教師的建議 1.經常省視自己的意義觀點,並從多角度看事情 2.接受自己不完美,進而肯定自己的價值 3.不畏懼向外求援,建立良好的溝通管道 4.尋求心靈支持 貳、對特教主管單位之建議 1.檢討特教班雙導師制的設計 2.釐清各單位負責之權責 3.檢討目前特教班招收學生的標準 參、對未來研究方向的建議 1.增加不同性別之受訪者 2.增加不同大小與位置之學校教師 3.納入國中特教班教師


This study aims to investigate special education teachers’ transformative learning process in negative emotional experience, including the source of their negative emotion and its effect on their teaching, the transformative process of their negative emotion and the effect of the transformation on their subsequent teaching. The present study is based on a qualitative approach. The interviewees include four experienced teachers, who have been in their present positions for more than ten years. They love their work in special education and are willing to continuously work as special education teachers in the future. Data were collected in a semi-structural method, analyzed and organized in hermeneutic phenomenological methodology. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The sources of special education teachers’ negative emotion are: handling students’ learning and behavior problems, parents’ inappropriate attitude toward teachers, being unable to effectively communicate and get along with colleagues, self-consciousness of one’s incompetence in this profession, high expectation of one’s professional performance and pursuit of perfection, lack of positive emotional feedback, and having too many chores unrelated to teaching. 2. The effects of special education teachers trapped in negative emotion are: causing students’ nervous emotion in learning, affecting the ambience in the classroom, lack of innovation or integration in teaching activities, affecting the smoothness in teacher-parent communication, affecting teachers’ physical and mental health. 3. The transformative process of special education teachers’ negative emotion into positive emotion can be divided into two categories: “encountering predicament  triggering reflection  guiding action in the future with new perspectives  a whole new life and feeling” and “encountering predicament  attempting to take action  reflection triggered in action  guiding action in the future with new perspectives  a whole new life and feeling.” 4. After special education teachers’ transformative learning in negative emotion, the effects on teaching are:  Teachers applied their experience to accompany students in a more relaxed physical and mental state.  Change in viewpoints brought about change in the course of events.  Teachers let go of their worries so that they could resort to support and reduce the time of worrying.  Teachers viewed students from different angles so that they could gain more sense of achievement from teaching. 5. Teachers’ change in mindset created positive meaning for their jobs . Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions are provided as follows: 1. For special education teachers A. Teachers should constantly reflect on their own values and viewpoints, seeing things from multiple angles. B. Teachers should accept their own imperfection and in turn confirm their own value. C. Teachers should not feel intimidated in asking for support and building up sound means of communication. D. Teachers should seek for spiritual support. 2. For the administration division of special education A. The authorities concerned should review the double-homeroom-teacher design in special education classes. B. The authorities concerned should clarify the domain of each division’s responsibility. C. The authorities concerned should reexamine the present admission standard of special education classes. 3. For future research A. Future studies may consider diversifying the genders of interviewees. B. Future studies may add teachers from schools on different scales and locations. C. Future studies may include special education teachers in junior high schools.


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