  • 學位論文


The Study of Typology among Intimate Partner Femicide

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


研究目的:親密伴侶殺人案件是最嚴重的家庭暴力事件,本研究是以男性親密伴 侶殺人者為對象,來分析殺人者特質及對此族群進行分類學研究。研究方法:本 研究主要藉由全國各地方法院判決書、監獄社工調查資料並輔以媒體報導資料, 透過量化研究輔以質性分析,針對我國男性親密伴侶者進行研究。研究內容包 括:1.以全國殺害女性伴侶之男性殺人者刑案資料探索加害者的特質與案件特 性。2.藉由質性分析將全國親密殺人者予以分類。3.探索不同類型的親密伴侶殺 人者在各項特質的差異。研究結果:依目前全國男性親密殺人者可分成六類,各 類型的特性包括: 1. 精神病理型:主要是受個案精神症狀影響而導致殺害親密伴侶。 2. 酒藥成癮型:加害人為酒精或藥物濫用者,導致生活功能敗壞,在使用酒、 藥下控制力變差而殺害親密伴侶。 3. 反社會暴力型:個案犯罪生涯中的反社會行為常出現對他人暴力,對親密伴 侶殺害是其反社會行為一部份 4. 邊緣嫉妒型:在親密伴侶背棄時,會採取瘋狂報復及操縱性自殺行為,會與 伴侶玉石俱焚。 5. 報復攻擊型:加害人在被害人極度刺激下產生報復行為而將之殺害,過去無 明顯暴力史。 6. 權控型:過去有明顯攻擊親密伴侶的行為,藉由暴力來獲得權力與控制,但 最後失控將親密伴侶殺害。 結論:完成親密伴侶的分類,並建立完整評估才能有適當的處遇。


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of intimate partner femicides (IPFs) and establish the typology among IPF. Methods: The study works on IPF cases in Taiwan by utilizing mixed method which comprises of quantitative research with auxiliary qualitative analysis from criminal verdicts from all local courts, social worker’s records from prisons, and relevant media reports. The detailed contents of the research are as the following: 1. Exploring the characteristics of the perpetrators of IPF and the pattern of the criminal cases based upon the nationwide criminal records which comprises of intimate partner femicide. 2. Classifying the perpetrators of IPF in Taiwan based on the qualitative analysis and quantitative discrimination analysis. 3. Displaying the unique differences among all categories of IPF perpetrators. Result: Six types of IPF perpetrators in Taiwan were drawn: 1. Psychotic/insane type: The perpetrators with individual psychiatric symptoms resulting in IPF. 2. Alcoholic/substance addiction type: The perpetrators had impaired daily function due to alcohol or drug abuse, which results in IPF under alcohol or substance related deteriorated self control. 3. Antisocial/generally violent type: Committing violence against others is common during the perpetrator’s criminal carrier with antisocial behaviors. The IPF is merely part of the one’s antisocial behaviors. 4. Borderline/jealous rage type: While betrayed, the perpetrator’s would commit violent revenge and deliberate suicide, they may destruct/kill themselves before/with their IPF at the same times. 5. Revenge/counter type: While the offenders were shattered badly by victims, the offenders would revenge and kill the victim. The offenders do not have evident history of violence. 6. Powerful/overcontrol type: The perpetrators have apparent behaviors of attack to their intimate partners before. Their desires were to regain their power and control by violence, and they killed their intimate partners out of control at the end. Conclusion: Through comprehensive classification for IPFs and professionals could be able to build integrative assessment with following appropriate treatment and management.


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