  • 學位論文


A case study of Tainan Bai-name Elementary School and Bao-kang Elementary School

指導教授 : 徐千偉


少子化趨勢讓教育面臨嚴峻的考驗,尤其偏鄉小學生源嚴重不足,隨著社區文化中心的消失,弱勢學生距離翻轉命運的場所也將越來越遠。本研究是以學校端的觀點,在探討偏鄉國小因應少子化的策略,以臺南市二所國小為研究個案比較分析,從政策規劃理論及利害關係人理論進行探討,採「次級資料分析」、「深度訪談分析」,探討政策規劃對利害關係人的影響,以發現可行的因應對策。 本研究發現顯示,兩校的共同現象:少子化背景因素、對偏鄉國小之衝擊、教育部及臺南市政府因應政策對偏鄉小校的影響共四個相同點。兩校的差異現象:一、百年國小在因應少子化策略,採擴大招生學區、發展具區隔性又實用的特色、符應家長需求的配套措施、輔以行銷佐證教學成果,相較於保康國小對家長更具吸引力。二、百年國小在規劃及過程上,校內共識及參與度高、課程規劃縝密完善、有效尋求外部資源挹注,更有利校務發展。三、百年國小各利害關係人對因應策略態度上,相對更關注少子化的因應,有利於學校端在策略上的執行。四、百年國小校長在領導風格的各項指標上,如公關力、協調力、領導力、行銷力、募款力、前瞻力,都獲得各利害關係人較多正感受,顯見校長的領導風格影響校務經營。 最後根據研究發現,提出具體改善建議:壹、對中央主管機關建議:一、針對教師需求擬定配套,留住偏鄉教師。二、鼓勵代理教師到偏鄉服務,儲訓教育人才。三、拉大教學端與行政端職務加給,解決偏鄉學校行政人員難覓問題。四、適當賦予校長人事權,正視不適任教師退場機制。五、降低募款限制,正面看待學校發展企圖心。貳、對地方主管機關建議:一、整併偏鄉小學校,集中教育資源,對交通不便及特偏地區學校,則予專案保障處理。二、協調中央廚房,統籌偏鄉供應營養午餐。三、減化學校專案經費申請的程序及負擔。參、對學校端建議:一、參考家長需求,發展區隔特色。二、調和行政及教學,凝聚全校向心力。三、經營家長與社區網路社群,增加彼此互動。


The trend of low birth rate contributes to a severe challenge in the education sector in Taiwan. Especially for the elementary schools in the remote areas, the number of students is seriously inadequate. With the disappearance of the schools as Community Cultural Centers, the distance between disadvantaged students and the places where knowledge changes their fate becomes farther and farther. This study shows many feasible strategies coping with the trend of low birth rate from the view of elementary schools in remote areas. A series of comparative analyses of two elementary schools in Tainan City using secondary data analysis and in-depth interview analysis were applied in the study based on the policy formulation theory and the policy stakeholders theory. The findings show that the two chosen schools share the same phenomena fourfold:The nationwide factors have caused the trend of low birth rate, they have had influences on elementary schools in remote areas, the Ministry of education and the Tainan municipal government's policies have impacted them. Nevertheless, the differences between the two schools are as following: (1) Bai-name elementary School has developed strategies to enroll new students from other school districts, such as became a specialist school in art, has met the needs of the parents and has promoted their teaching results , whereas Bao-kang elementary School’s strategies are less attractive. (2) Bai-name elementary School’s teaching and administrative staffs have a high consensus, a deep involvement, develop an impeccable curriculum and seek external resources. (3) Bai-name elementary School’s interested parties have a stricter enforcement to cope with having fewer children in their school. (4)Bai-name elementary School’s principal has higher scores in many questionnaire items, for instance, public relations, coordination, leadership, marketing, fundraising, foresight, and therefore operate the school better. According to the research findings, concrete suggestions are made for the central government, the local authority and the schools. For the former, first, improve working conditions and give raises to retain teachers in the remote area schools. Second, encourage the substitute teachers to work in these schools and then entail formal teacher positions. Third, provide a wage hike for administrative staffs in order to solve the labor shortage problem. Fourth, empower the school headmasters to relieve the incompetent teachers from their duties. Fifth, impose fewer fundraising restrictions and enhance more school developments. As for the local authority, first, integrate and ensure resources for schools which have transport hurdles and inaccessibility. Second, coordinate central kitchens to supply lunch for the schools in remote villages and towns. Third, simplify the procedures of grant application. And for the latter, first, transform into specialist schools in response to the parents’ demand. Second, reconcile the administrative and teaching staffs and build a culture of team work. Third, form communities and use social media to sustain the networking with the parents.


