  • 學位論文


Research on promoting cognitive function and functional fitness activities among middle-aged and elderly people

指導教授 : 李百麟


高齡化時代即將來臨,高齡化所延伸的健康重要議題,實不容忽視。本研究目的是探討體能與認知活動介入對中高齡者之功能性體適能與整體認知功能之影響,藉活動增進身心健康與提升生活品質和活躍老化。 本研究採取準實驗研究方法,分實驗組與對照組,研究對象為某樂齡學習中心與自主學習團體,55歲以上中高齡者。樂齡學習中心團體為實驗組男性3 人、女性11人,自主學習團體為對照組男性 4人、女性13 人,共計31人。 活動期程2021年5月7日至2021年7月23日實施,活動前後一週各進行前後測評量,活動由研究者親自帶領實體與線上活動共計10週,實體教學兩週,每次活動120分鐘,線上教學八週,每次90分鐘,共計960分鐘。研究工具有教學計劃、蒙特利爾智能評量表(MoCA),視覺空間/執行、命名、專注、語言、抽象概念、延遲記憶、定向七大項;基本健康資料與功能性體適能評量表,身體質量、兩手交背、坐椅體前彎、兩分鐘原地踏步、30秒手臂屈舉、30秒連續坐椅起立、30秒單腳站立、起身繞行2.44公尺八大項,活動設計內容以體能和認知多元活動介入。 資料彙整SPSS數據分析,敘述性統計方式收集、整理、描述、以相依樣本t考驗分析前後測差異性,探討實驗組與對照組兩組活動介入差異情形。研究結果發現體能與認知活動對中高齡參與者有著正向的影響和效益。




The age of aging isapproaching, and the important health issues extended by aging cannot beignored. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of physical fitnessand cognitive activity intervention on the functional fitness and overallcognitive function of middle-aged and elderly people, and how activities mayimprove the physical and mental health and the quality of life and activeaging. This study adopts aquasi-experimental research method, divided into experimental group and controlgroup. The research objects are a senior learning center and an independentlearning group, and middle-aged people over 55 years old. The senior learningcenter group consists of 3 males and 11 females in the experimental group, andthe autonomous learning group consists of 4 males and 13 females in the controlgroup. There are totally 31 people. The activity period wasimplemented from May 7, 2021 to July 23, 2021. One week before and after theactivity they were given assessment. The activity will be personally led by theresearcher for a total of 10 weeks, and Each physical fitness and cognitiveactivity teaching lasts 120 minutes plus online teaching lasts 90 minutes thatmake a total of 960 minutes.Research tools include teaching plan, MontrealIntelligence Scale (MoCA), visual space/execution, naming, concentration, language, abstraction, delayed memory, and orientation; basic healthinformation and functional fitness scale, body mass , Cross back, chair forwardbending, two minutes of stepping on the spot, 30 seconds of arm bend, 30seconds of continuous chair rise, 30 seconds of standing on one foot, gettingup and walking around 2.44 meters eight major items, the design content of theactivity is physical fitness and cognitive multiple activities were involved. We have employed SPSSfor data aggregation, data analysis, narrative statistics collection, sorting,description, and T-test analysis of dependent samples before and after testdifferences, to explore the experimental group and the control group two groupsof activity intervention differences. The results of the study found thatphysical and cognitive activities have positive effects and benefits formiddle-aged and elderly participants.




內政部行政院 (2019)。主計總處統計處。
