  • 學位論文


Study on Impact of Assessment Model to Web-based Collaborative Learning

指導教授 : 劉寧漢


本研究主要探討以互評模式促進學生網路合作學習意願,讓學生不會因成績競爭與評分的不公而使網路合作學習流於形式,使得高成就學生可提高平常成績或記功獎勵為誘因,進而樂於與低成就學生合作學習,並可減輕教師補救教學與照顧低成就學生的負擔。研究首先探討同儕互評、合作學習、網路合作學習的相關理論與文獻,研究的方法是設計一個能互相評分的網路合作學習平台,研究對象為三班國中一年級的學生,採準實驗研究法,分成實驗組(互評合作學習平台實施合作學習)與對照組,由同一位教師教完一個數學單元後施以前測,實驗組經互評式網路合作學習後再施以後測,並比較前後測成績差異。再經由互評合作學習平台滿意度及學習態度等問卷資料蒐集分析,最後本研究得到以下的結論: (1) 互評模式可促進學生網路合作學習意願:72%的學生願意上互評合作學習平台發問;79.17% 的學生認為互評合作學習平台可以解決其學習上的問題;65% 的學生認為互評合作學習平台可以提升其學業成就;有互評機制讓學生樂於合作學習亦達顯著水準。 (2) 減少教師補救教學的時間:透過互評合作學習平台可使高成就學生願意幫助低成就學生,這樣不但可提升低成就學生的學習成就也可減輕教師的補救教學負擔。 (3) 打破同一班級合作學習的限制:透過此互評合作學習平台可讓合作範圍提升到跨班甚至跨校,讓更多高成就學生與低成就學生合作學習,高成就學生也可在教學相長的環境下提升學習成效。 (4) 教師適時的介入,更提昇了題目的正確性與不致誤導學生知識。


The aim of this research is to discuss the encouragement of network learning motivation driven by the method of peer assessment, which does not weaken the effect of network learning caused by competition and grading dispute. High-level students would be willing to cooperate with low-level students due to the motivation to get extra credits or cite of achievements. Peer assessment also reduced teachers’ burden on retrieving mistakes and taking care of low-level students. This research begins by discussing documents of peer assessment, cooperative learning and network learning. The method is to design a platform of network learning which allows students to evaluate one another. The targets are three classes of first grade junior high school students. Students are divided in to experimental group (cooperative learning on peer assessment platform) and control group. By the same teacher, after the teaching of one mathematic chapter, the former part of the evaluation is conducted. After the experimental group has performed peer assessment network learning, the later part of the evaluation is conducted. Then compare the results of the two parts, and analyze the collected data of satisfaction and learning attitude of peer assessment cooperative learning platform. The conclusions are as following: (1) (Peer assessment) elevates students’ motivation of network learning: 72% of the students are willing to venture questions on peer assessment cooperative learning platform; 79.17% thinks cooperative learning platform could solve their learning problems; 65% thinks the platform could elevate their learning achievements. Peer assessment also effectively makes the students more willing to participate in cooperative learning. (2) Reduces teachers’ time spent on retrieving mistakes: Through peer assessment cooperative learning platform, high-level students are more willing to help low-level students, increasing the accomplishment of low-level students and the teacher’s burden on retrieving mistakes. (3) Breaks the limit of cooperation within one single class: The peer assessment cooperative platform allows the cooperation to be trans-classes or even trans-schools, which enables more high-level students to cooperate with low-level students. High-level students can also benefit from the environment of mutual help. (4) The timely intervention of the teacher can increase the correctness of questions, so as not to cause the student’s miscomprehension.


王智玄(民89)。新的學習策略—網路合作學習。資訊與教育雜誌,7 8,42-50。


