  • 學位論文


The Interaction between The Farmer Prisoner And His Family During The Prisoning Time and How This Agriculture-Involved Experience Impacts His Adaption in The Prison.

指導教授 : 鍾惠雯 趙善如


本研究以質性訪談研究方式探討務農受刑人在服刑期間與其家庭成員互動情形以及對服刑歷程適應之影響,期望了解務農受刑人在服刑歷程中,如何受到家庭情感支持之影響,並能協助其尋求其復原力之方法。本研究係運用半結構式深度訪談及參與觀察方式,以岩灣技能訓練所6位務農受刑人為研究對象,進行質性研究。訪談時讓受訪者有充足的時間和空間,來敘述其在矯治過程中與家庭互動之經驗,以驗證家庭情感支持正是受刑人復原力的關鍵因素。 重要研究發現如下:一、務農受刑人於入獄前,有先處理其婚姻關係現象。二、務農受刑人家庭研究有「兄代父職」、「姊代母職」情形。三、務農受刑人判刑確定後至未入監前之家庭凝聚力位處於分離或連結狀態,可以提供高度的家庭支持。四、務農受刑人入監初期對家庭的感受是最強烈的。五、在保護因子協助下,務農受刑人入監後已適應期,完成復原力因應歷程。本研究發現具有家庭支持之受刑人,較不擔心其在監適應問題,無法為家人提供幫助,才是影響其在監適應不良之原因。由以上可看出其家庭情感支持及互動確實對務農受刑人有關鍵性之影響。 依據本研究結果,提出五點建議:一、建議矯正機關辦理收容人家庭支持政策時,增加收容人家庭角色及互動課程。二、矯治機關主動協調家屬,促其同意參加所舉辦之矯治觀念教育課程。三、務農受刑人家屬於監獄內接見時,可獲得與社工員面談與討論機會。四、對於具高危險因子之收容人,建議對接見規定修法,應開放其二親等以內家屬接見,不予限制。五、由於本研究的研究參與者,係採立意抽樣的取材方式所以皆為自願者,且配合度高。但是對無法取得非自願者的研究資料下,可能與自願者的復原情況,應有許多差異空間值得探討。


Through the method of Qualitative Research Interviews, this research is mainly a study about the interaction between a prisoner with agriculture background and his/her family members; and a study of the impact of how their interaction will bring to the prisoner’s adaption in the prison. To understand how the family support will bring the impact on an agricultural prisoner during the prisoning time, hopefully this research will help seek some methods for the resilene.Based on six targeted study prisoners with agriculture background from Yanwan Skill Training Institute, a method of Semi-Structured interview in depth and observatory method are applied in this Qualitative Research.Give an interviewee adequate time and enough space during the interviews, and let him/her state the interactive experiences in the process of healing, so as to prove that the family support is the crucial factor to help the resilience. The essential findings are depicted as below: 1.Before the agricultural prisoner was placed in the prison, he/she first had dealt with the marriage status. 2.The targeted prisoner’s families have all shared the same condition as “a brother has played the role as a father” or “the sister has played the role as a mother.” 3.After the agricultural prisoner was sentenced certainly and before he/she was put into the prison, the state of this family power, being assembled or segregated, will highly arouse more family support. 4.The initial prisoning stage for an agricultural prisoner is the time he/she felt most sentimental and needy toward his own family. 5.With the aids of some protective factors, the agricultural prisoner had entered the adaption stage, and thus had completed the adaption process. According to this research, the discovery shows that the prisoner with family support typically had fewer problems in adaption to the prison life, rather, because he/she could not offer help for his/her own family, this sense of inability has then become the main impact on his/her poor adaption. From the findings above, apparently we can see the family support and interaction do bring critical impact on an agricultural prisoner’s adaption. As the result of this research, five suggestions are made: 1.Courses regarding the prisoner’s family role and interaction should be increased, while The Policy of Family Support for Prisoners is formed in the considerations in the Correction Organization. 2.The Correction Organization should actively encourage the prisoner’s family members to attend the education courses for the concept corrections. 3.The agricultural prisoner’s family should be able to obtain a face-to-face interview with the social workers and as well as an opportunity for further discussions. 4.For those most threatening prisoners, it is suggested to revise the laws to set no limits for allowing their meetings with their relatives under the Second Class kin. 5.Due to the fact that those attendants of this research were voluntarily selected as judgement sampling in the research why they involved in the research, they were highly cooperative. Nevertheless, with the missing data of the non-volunteer research sample, which is unable to retrieve within the environment, the resilence for non-volunteers must be different from that of those volunteers, which might require further discussions.


Prisoner Original Family resilience


林文瑛、王震武(1995)〈中國父母的教養觀﹕嚴教觀或打罵觀﹖〉。《本 土心理學研究》,3,2-92。(TSSCI)
林妙娟( 1989 )鄉村家庭親職角色與親子關係之研究。台北:私立中 國文化大學家政研究所碩士論文(未出版)


