  • 學位論文


Comparisons of Above-ground Biomass and Carbon Storage between A Seven-year-old Reforestation Stand and Nearby Leucaena leucocephala Stand in Kenting Area

指導教授 : 郭耀綸


森林具有吸收二氧化碳的功能,因此建造新的林分可達到減碳的效益。本研究於屏東縣墾丁地區,一處伐除銀合歡後予以更新造林的林分,調查此七年生林分地上部生物量及碳貯存,並與鄰近的銀合歡(Leucaena leucocephala)林分比較,藉以了解此林分的減碳效益。該林分5種造林樹種欖仁(Terminalia catappa)、相思樹(Acacia confuse)、水黃皮(Millettia pinnata)、木麻黃(Casuarina equisetifolia)及海檬果(Cerbera manghas)的密度分別為1,056、512、440、356及260株 ha-1,總株數為2,624株 ha-1,而對照組銀合歡植株密度高達11,160株 ha-1,比造林地多出3倍。欖仁、相思樹、木麻黃、水黃皮及海檬果之地上部生物量分別為8.73、7.39、12.44、0.79及1.46 Mg ha-1,地上部碳貯存量分別為3.78、3.60、5.75、0.37及0.59 Mg ha-1。此造林地林分的地上部生物量為30.81 Mg ha-1,碳貯存量為14.1 Mg ha-1;而對照組銀合歡林分生物量為28.3 Mg ha-1,碳貯存量為11.03 Mg ha-1。經過7年的生長,此更新造林林分的地上部生物量及碳貯存量,分別比銀合歡林分多9及28%。更新造林7年生林分碳貯存量每公頃可較銀合歡林增加3.1 Mg,此即為該林分植林減碳的效益。


Forests are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide. Thus, establishing new forest stands can achieve the benefits of carbon reduction. This research investigated above-ground biomass and carbon storage of a 7-year-old reforestation stand, a plantation after the removal of Leucaena leucocephala, in Kenting, Pingtung. Comparisons were made with a nearby L. leucocephala stand to understand the benefits of carbon reduction. The density of five planted tree species, namely Terminalia catappa, Acacia confusa, Millettia pinnata, Casuarina equisetifolia, and Cerbera manghas, were 1,056, 512, 440, 356, and 260 stem ha-1, respectively. These summed to a total of 2,624 stem ha-1. The nearby L. leucocephala stand had a high density of 11,160 stem ha-1, which is more than tripled than the reforestation stand. Above-ground biomass was 8.73, 7.39, 12.44, 0.79, and 1.46 Mg ha-1, and carbon storage was 3.78, 3.60, 5.75, 0.37, and 0.59 Mg ha-1 for T. catappa, A. confusa, M. pinnata, Cas. equisetifolia and Cer. manghas, respectively. In total, this reforestation stand had above-ground biomass of 30.81 Mg ha-1 and carbon storage of 14.1 Mg ha-1, while the control L. leucocephala stand had above-ground biomass of 28.3 Mg ha-1 and carbon storage of 11.03 Mg ha-1. After 7 years’ growth, the reforestation stand showed 9% and 28% more in above-ground biomass and carbon storage, respectively, than the L. leucocephala stand. In conclusion, carbon storage in the 7-year-old reforestation stand could increase 3.1 Mg than that in the L. leucocephala stand. This is the benefits of carbon reduction of this reforestation stand.


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