  • 學位論文


A Study on the Evaluation and Development Strategy of Leisure Agricultural Resources in Laixi city, Shandong Province.

指導教授 : 段兆麟


面對我國經濟進入新常態,如何在經濟增速放緩的背景下繼續強化農業 基礎地位、促進農民持續增收,是一個重大課題。發展休閒農業,推進農村一二三產業融合發展,是在經濟增速放緩下拓寬農民增收管道、促進農村經濟升級、農業轉型、實現城鄉經濟社會一體化發展的重要舉措。萊西市擁有良好的社會經濟環境、堅實的農業產業基礎、豐富的自然景觀及歷史文化資源,若能對全市的資源進行全面了解與評價,對全市休閒農業發展具有指導作用。 本研究參考國內外一般旅遊、生態旅遊、鄉村旅遊及台灣休閒農業評鑑等資源評估指標,建構休閒農業資源評價指標體系;通過實地田野調查及文獻資料對萊西市休閒農業資源進行全面調查了解;通過層級分析法確定評估指標的權重值,然後再結合各專家學者對萊西市11個鄉鎮街道休閒農業資源的評分,計算得出萊西市11個鄉鎮街道的休閒農業資源綜合得分,其中排在前三位的分別為沽河街道、姜山鎮和店埠鎮。根據評價結果研擬出萊西市休閒農業發展之策略,以提供政府相關單位及休閒農業經營者之參考。


In the face of our country economy entering the new normal, it is a major issue to continue to strengthen the fundamental role of agriculture and promote rural incomes continuous increasing in the context of economic slowdown. Developing leisure agriculture to promote the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industry is an important measure to broaden the pathways of farmers’ income, promote rural economic upgrading and agricultural transformation, and achieve economic and social integration of urban and rural development. Laixi city has a good social and economic environment, a solid basis for the agricultural industrialization, the rich natural landscape and historical and cultural resources. A comprehensive understanding and evaluation of resources of Laixi will instruct the development of leisure agriculture. In this study, the leisure agricultural resources’ evaluation index system of Laixi was constructed on the basis of using the evaluation index of domestic and foreign general tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism and leisure agriculture in Taiwan as the reference. Firstly, to survey comprehensibly Laixi’ leisure agricultural resources through field and literature research. Secondly, to determine evaluation index weights through analytic hierarchy process(AHP), and then to calculate the comprehensive scores of 11 districts’ leisure agricultural resources combined with the experts’ and scholars’ grades, the top three are Guhe Street, Jiangshan Town and Dianbu Town. The research result was used to elaborate strategies for Laixi’s leisure agricultural development, in order to provide consultation to government and leisure agricultural managers.


Andews K. R., 1971, The concept of corporate strategy, Dow Jones-Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL.
