  • 學位論文


The Study of the Creativity in STEM PBL Activity –Take CaC2 for Example

指導教授 : 羅希哲


本研究主要在探究STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)活動融入PBL(Project-Based Learning)專案式學習之實施成效,分析國中學生於本活動的學習滿意度及創造力表現的影響。本研究採準實驗研究法,選取屏東縣某國中九年級某兩班學生為研究對象。進行十週的教學實驗,教學設計以STEM活動為主軸,融入專案式學習為策略,其教學內容是以「電土」衍生之科技、工程、數學、物理及化學之整合教材與相關的教學活動。研究工具為自編之STEM滿意度問卷及威廉斯創造力測驗,並以SPSS14.0進行描述性統計、相依樣本t檢定與共變數分析。 最後本研究歸納之結論包括: (一)學生對STEM專案式學習的學習滿意度達中上水準。 (二)學業成績低分組學生在「專案式學習內涵」及「溝通合作能力」兩層面比高分組有更高的認同。 (三)「創造性傾向前測」低分組學生在「溝通合作能力」層面比高分組有更高的認同。 (四)STEM專案式學習對於學生的創造力情意發展,包含冒險性、好奇性、想像力、挑戰性等方面有顯著的提升。 (五)STEM專案式學習對於學生的創造力認知發展,包含開放性、獨創力、精密力及標題等方面有顯著的提升。 (六)不同分組學生在創造力情意發展方面: 學業成績高分組學生在好奇性比低分組學生有顯著提升; 「創造性傾向前測」低分組學生在挑戰性比高分組學生有顯著提升。 (七)不同分組學生在創造力認知發展方面: 學業成績高、低分組學生則無顯著差異; 「創造性傾向前測」高、低分組學生則無顯著差異。 由以上結果可看出,STEM專案式學習對於國中階段學生的創造力提升有所幫助。


STEM 專案式學習 創造力


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of the Project-Based Learning incorporating STEM activity (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics); to analyze the influences of learning satisfaction and creativity performance of the junior high students for the activity. The study adopted Quasi-experiment, selected two classes of ninth graders in a junior high school in Pingtung as the participants for the study. The teaching experiment was carried out for ten weeks. The teaching design was based on STEM activity (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) that incorporated the Project-Based Learning as the strategy. The content of the teaching was about the integrating materials of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and relevant teaching activity derived from CaC2. The instrument of the study was the researcher administrated STEM Satisfaction Questionnaires and Williams Creativity Test. Also used SPSS14.0 for data analysis. The specific conclusions of the study were as follows: (1)The students have high satisfaction with the Project-Based Learning incorporating STEM activity (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) (2)The students in the low academic score group have higher identification in the Project-Based Learning content and communicative and cooperative ability than the students in high academic score group. (3)The low score group of Test of Divergent Feeling has higher identification in communicative and cooperative ability than the high score group. (4)The Project-Based Learning incorporating STEM activity (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has significant promotion in students’ development of creative sensitivity, which includes adventure, curiosity, imagination, and challenge. (5)The Project-Based Learning incorporating STEM activity (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has significant promotion in students’ development of creative recognition, which includes openness, originality and precision. (6)The performances of different groups of the students in creative sensitivity: The high academic score group has more significant promotion in curiosity than the low academic score group. The low score group of Test of Divergent Feeling has more significant promotion in challenge than the high score group. (7) The performances of different groups of the students in creative recognition: There is no significant difference between the high academic score group and the low score group. There is no significant difference between the high score group of Test of Divergent Feeling and the low score group. Therefore, we can conclude from the findings above that the Project-Based Learning incorporating STEM activity (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) can help promote junior high students’ creativity.


STEM Project-Based Learning creativity


張春興 (1988)。知之歷程與教之歷程: 認知心理學的發展及其在教育上的應用。教育心理學報,21,17-38。


