  • 學位論文


Effect of dietary supplementing yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria synbiotics on production performances of laying hens and broilers

指導教授 : 謝豪晃


本試驗旨在探討飼糧中添加酵母細胞壁(yeast cell wall)及乳酸菌(lactic acid bacteria)對雞隻生產性能、蛋品質及屠體性狀之影響。試驗一為蛋雞試驗,選用68週齡的海蘭W-36及海蘭銀褐色蛋雞兩個品系,各96隻,共192隻,採4處理 × 4重複,每重複組6隻雞,採個別籠飼。4處理組分別為:BD(基礎飼糧)、BP 0.75(添加酵母細胞壁及益生菌各375 ppm)、BP 1.0(添加酵母細胞壁及益生菌各500 ppm)、BP 1.5(添加酵母細胞壁及益生菌各750 ppm)。試驗期間,每14天為一週期,共6個週期。每日每隻蛋雞給予定量飼糧,於固定時間收集剩料及記錄產蛋,計算產蛋性能(產蛋率、產蛋量、採食量和飼料換蛋率),每週期固定時間集雞蛋樣品,測定蛋品質,及進行儲存試驗。於試驗結束後,經採血檢測血液生化值,同時進行腸道菌相及腸道絨毛型態檢測。試驗二為肉雞試驗,使用一日齡羅斯(Ross)公肉雞352隻,採4處理 × 4重複之試驗設計。4處理組分別為:BD(基礎飼糧)、BP 0.75(添加酵母細胞壁及益生菌各375 ppm)、BP 1.5(添加酵母細胞壁及益生菌各750 ppm)、BP 2.0(添加酵母細胞壁及益生菌各1000 ppm),於14、28、35及40日齡時進行生長性能測定,並於生長試驗結束後,進行屠體性狀測定及腸道型態檢測。試驗一結果顯示,以BP 1.5組比對照組、BP 0.75及BP 1.0組,有顯著較高的產蛋率、產蛋量和攝食量(P < 0.05)。BP 0.75、BP 1.0及BP 1.5組之蛋重顯著較對照組重,也具顯著較佳的飼料換蛋率。於蛋品質方面,BP 1.5組之蛋黃顏色評分顯著較對照組低,BP 0.75組之蛋殼厚度顯著比對照組厚(P < 0.05);蛋殼強度在各處理組間則無顯著差異。試驗二結果顯示,以BP 2.0組顯著較對照組提升肉雞體重及平均隻日體增重(P < 0.05)。在屠體性狀方面則各組間無顯著差異。腸道菌相方面,試驗一以BP 1.0組之腸道中有顯著較高的乳酸菌數。試驗二以BP 2.0組腸道有顯著較高之乳酸菌含量(P < 0.05)。試驗一蛋雞空腸絨毛高度以BP 1.5組顯著高於對照組;迴腸絨毛高度以BP 0.75、BP1.0及BP1.5組顯著高於對照組;絨毛高度與腺窩深度比則以1.5 BP組顯著高於對照組及BP 0.75組。於試驗二,有添加酵母細胞壁及乳酸菌之處理組的肉雞空腸及迴腸絨毛高度顯著高於對照組,且以BP 2.0之處理組具有顯著較高的空腸及迴腸絨毛高度和腺窩比(P < 0.05)。綜合上述,飼糧中適量添加酵母細胞壁及乳酸菌,可以提升蛋雞的產蛋率、蛋重及產蛋量,並改善飼料換蛋率;亦可提升肉雞的上市體重及平均隻日體增重。因此,此酵母細胞壁及乳酸菌混合之合生劑,可作為非抗生素的飼料添加劑,使用於家禽飼料中。


The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementing yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria on production performances, egg quality and carcass traits of chickens. Exp. 1, one hundred and ninety six laying hens at 68 weeks of age from two commercial strains Hy-line W-36 and Hy-line Sliver Brown were randomly assigned to each of 4 treatments × 4 replicates experimental design with 6 birds in each group, and were housed in individual battery cages. The four treatments were fed diets with BD (Corn-Soybean meal basal diet), BP 0.75 (with 375 ppm yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria, respectively), BP 1.0 (with 500 ppm yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria, respectively), and BP 1.5 (with 750 ppm yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria, respectively). The experiment was carried out for 6 periods (2 wks for a period). Egg weight and feed consumption were recorded daily. At the end of the experiment, two hens from each treatment were randomly selected for serum biochemistry, gut microflora and gut morphology test. Exp. 2, three hundred and fifty two day-old Ross male broilers were randomly allotted into 4 treatments × 4 replicates experimental design with 22 birds in each pen. The four treatments were fed diets with BD (Corn-Soybean meal basal diet), BP 0.75 (with 375 ppm yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria, respectively), BP 1.5 (with 750 ppm yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria, respectively), and BP 2.0 (with 1000 ppm yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria, respectively). Growth performances were measured at 14, 28, and 35 days of age. Six birds from each treatment were randomly selected at the end of growth trial for carcass traits, gut microflora and morphology test. The result of Exp. 1 showed that the egg production, egg mass and feed consumption were significantly higher for BP 1.5 group than control, BP 0.75, and BP 1.0 groups. All BP treated groups had higher egg weight and better feed wt./egg wt. ratio than control group (P < 0.05). The results of Exp. 2 showed that BP 2.0 group increased broiler body weight and average daily gain than control group (P < 0.05). In Exp. 1, the Lactobacilli count in jejunum was significantly higher for BP 1.0 group than control and BP 0.75 groups. In Exp. 2, the Lactobacilli counts in jejunm and rectum were significantly higher for BP 2.0 group than control, BP 0.75 and BP 1.5 groups (P < 0.05). The result of intestinal morphology showed that, in Exp. 1, the villus height of laying hen jejunum was significantly higher in the BP 1.5 group than control group. The villus height of ileum in BP 0.75, BP 1.0 and BP 1.5 groups were significantly higher than control group. The villus height/crypt depth ratio was significantly higher in the BP 1.5 group than control and BP 0.75 groups. In Exp. 2, the villus height of broiler jejunum and ileum from all BP treated groups were significantly higher than control group, and the BP 2.0 group had significantly highest villus height/crypt depth ratio of jejunum and ileum. The overall results indicated that dietary supplementing of yeast cell wall and lactic acid bacteria synbiotics increased egg production, egg mass, egg weight, feed consumption and improved feed conversion ratio in laying hens and increased body weight, and body weight gain in broiler, therefore such feed additive could be used as non-antibiotic feed additive in poultry diets.


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