  • 學位論文

芳苑地區灰斑鴴(Pluvialis squatarola)度冬的時空分布與遷徙路徑

The spatiotemporal distribution and migration route of the wintering Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) in Fangyuan area

指導教授 : 孫元勳


遷徙水鳥因為人為活動及人造建物的干擾,使族群量大幅下降,已是全球性重要的保育議題。近十年來,各國沿岸利用填海造陸的方式在濕地潮間帶上建造許多人工建物,使遷徙水鳥的棲息地大範圍消失,造成許多水鳥族群數量呈現指數形下降。臺灣位處於東亞澳遷徙線上的中樞點,西部沿海近幾年也因為工業區的開發,濕地潮間帶面積逐漸地縮小,而如果想要提出有效的棲地經營策略來保留僅存的水鳥棲息地,瞭解水鳥度冬期間的活動範圍及棲地利用情形是迫切需要的。因此本實驗針對由臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華中提出族群數量呈現下降的中型水鳥灰斑鴴來進行研究,自2019年1月至2020年2月間繫放13隻灰斑鴴(Pluvialis squatarola)進行衛星追蹤來了解度冬個體的時空分布、棲地利用及春季飛離臺灣前往繁殖地時的遷徙路徑、中繼站和最終的繁殖地點。追蹤的13隻灰斑鴴平均度冬活動範圍 88.26±52.05 km2 (19.34-137.11 km2),主要利用棲地是潮間帶,其次為魚塭及高灘地。比較度冬灰斑鴴各月份間棲地利用的情形,分析結果有顯著差異。探討9隻度冬灰斑鴴在不同水位下的棲地利用,結果顯示在不同潮水高度下,僅有1隻亞成鳥的棲地利用有顯著差異。6隻灰斑鴴在3月底到五月初時飛離臺灣,3隻停留在長江出海口三角洲,1隻飛往中國大連,其餘2隻則是直接飛往南韓沿岸停留休息。於休息地補充能量後,有4隻往北飛抵達俄羅斯,但最後只有2隻個體成功追蹤至繁殖地。6隻遷徙個體平均遷徙距離為4217.7 km,整體平均速度為191 km / day,移動日平均速度為1137.4 km /day。繁殖地分別是俄羅斯薩哈阿爾萊霍夫斯基區及俄羅斯楚科奇自治區弗蘭格爾島。


The decrease of the population of migratory birds due to disturbance by human activity and artificial has become an important issue globally. Over the past decade, many countries build up lots of anthropogenic structures on the intertidal flats by reclamation, reducing the area of shorebirds habitats and making the population of most affected species declined in exponential speed. Taiwan is located at the hub of EAAF (East Asia/Australia Flyway). The area of intertidal zone in western Taiwan has been shrinking dramatically under the development of industrial district in recent years. However, if we want to preserve the remaining habitats by providing the effective conservation strategies, it’s necessary to understand the home range and habitat use of overwintering shorebirds. For this reason, the target species in our study will be Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola), is one of the declining species in the report of Taiwan New Year Bird Count. From January 2019 to February 2020, I banded and did satellite-tracking on 13 Grey Plover to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution, habitat use, migration route in spring, the stopover on the way to breeding ground and breeding ground of overwintering individual. In this study, activity range of 13 individuals ranged from 19.34 to 137.11 km2 in minimum convex polygon and averaged 88.26 km2. The main habitat use is intertidal flat, followed by fish farm and floodplain. There is a significant difference in habitat use from month to month. Only one out of nine individual showed a significant difference in habitat use under different levels of tide. 6 individuals left Taiwan in spring, three of them went to Yangtze River Estuary, one went to Dalian and the others went to the coast of South Korea. After replenishing the energy at stopover site, four of them flew to Russia, but only two birds can complete their journey to the breeding ground. The average migration distance of 6 individuals is 4217.7 km. The average migration speed is 191 km / day and the average travel speed is 1137.4 km / day. The breeding grounds are located at Sakha and Wrangel Island, Russia.


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