  • 學位論文


The Study of AI-robot Assisted Health Education for Preschoolers to Develop Health Habits in Pingtung Area Kindergarten

指導教授 : 蔡明憲


由於現今新冠肺炎的疫情嚴峻,為防止病菌傳播,普羅大眾對於衛生習慣及衛生禮節的意識紛紛提升不少;幼兒園之幼兒為易受感染且無法藉由施打疫苗以提高保護之族群,因此必需透過做好個人的衛生習慣和衛生禮節,並加強勤洗手,以有效預防病菌傳播。 本研究目的為利用Zenbo智慧機器人輔助,以提升幼兒衛生習慣認知及衛生禮節,並依此設計衛生教育相關之課程;本研究在屏東地區某一幼兒園立意抽樣兩個4-6歲中、大班混齡之班級,分別進行Zenbo智慧機器人輔助與傳統式介入衛生教學。一共有54位幼兒被募集於本研究中,先收集基本資料並以獨立樣本t檢定及卡方檢定確認無差異後,再以自製之衛生習慣認知和衛生禮節問卷,分別收集介入組前、後測及延宕測驗之結果,再以卡方分析之相依樣本麥內瑪檢定(McNemar Test for Related Samples)、相依樣本t檢定及獨立樣本t檢定等統計方法進行介入效果分析,本研究的主要發現如下: 一、以Zenbo智慧機器人輔助教學之班級,可提升幼兒的學習動機與強大的專注力。 二、透過Zenbo智慧機器人輔助衛生教育教學,可提升幼兒衛生習慣認知和衛生禮節。 三、透過Zenbo智慧機器人輔助衛生教育教學,幼兒可有效的持續維持正確的衛生習慣認知和衛生禮節。


Due to the severe epidemic of COVID-19, people’s awareness of health habits and etiquette has obviously improved to prevent the spread of the germs. Preschoolers who are susceptible to COVID-19 infection cannot accelerate their self-protection via vaccination. Therefore, well personal hygiene habit and etiquette establishment, for instance increased the hand washing frequency is efficient to restrain the spread of germs. In this study, the main purposes are utilizing the intelligent robot Zenbo to strengthen the awareness of health habits and etiquette in preschoolers. A total of 54 preschoolers whose age were from 4-6 years-old in two mixed‑age K2 to K3 classes in Pingtung area were recruited and assigned into Zenbo robotics-assisted or traditional hygiene education curriculums. Before the intervention, the demographic data was collected and analyzed by independent sample t-test and chi-square test to confirm that there is no statistical significance. A self-designed questionnaires were applied to a quasi-experiment design with pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest. The collected data was analyzed by McNemar test for Related Samples and paired t-test to evaluate the results between different curriculums. The main findings of this study are shown as following: 1. In the Zenbo intelligent robotic-assisted class, preschoolers’ learning motivation and concentrated force are significantly increased. 2. Zenbo intelligent robots is useful to the classes of health education for promoting preschoolers’ hygiene awareness. 3. The effects of health awareness of habit and etiquette in preschoolers are able to continuous extension with intelligent Zenbo robotic-assisted.


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