  • 學位論文


Integrating TAM and Information System Success Model to Evaluate Air Force Battle Planning and Training Management Information System

指導教授 : 蔡玉娟


為提升國軍之競爭力,國軍推廣各軍種建立專業資訊化及電腦化的管理。因資訊技術的不斷發展演進,系統在管理上的應用及發展也不斷有所突破,國軍使用各種資訊系統輔助決策並提高競爭力。空軍對「戰力規劃暨訓練管理資訊系統」的使用及依賴度與日劇增,對空軍而言資訊系統是一項昂貴的資源,它所隱含的成本會隨著時間而增加,因而管理階層透過各種評估方式以了解資訊系統運作是否有達到預期的績效,以作為繼續投資或精進的參考。因此,本研究整合科技接受模式 (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)及資訊系統成功模式 (Informational System Success Model, ISSM)作為評估空軍「戰力規劃暨訓練管理資訊系統」研究架構的理論依據,以了解系統的使用效益。


In order to improve the competitiveness of the national army, the national army promotes the establishment of professional services in computerized and information-based management. Due to the constant evolution of information technology, the application and development of the system in the management has also continued to make breakthroughs. The national army uses a variety of information systems to assist decision-making and increase competitiveness. The Air Force’s use and dependence on the “combat planning and training management information system” has increased dramatically. The information system is an expensive resource for the Air Force. The costs implied by the Air Force will increase over time and the management The hierarchy uses various assessment methods to understand whether the operation of the information system has achieved the desired performance as a reference for continued investment or refinement. Therefore, this study integrates the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Informational System Success Model (ISSM) as the basis for evaluating the research structure of the Air Force Battle Planning and Training Management Information System to understand the system. The use of benefits.


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