  • 學位論文


Feasibility Assessment on the Circular Design-based Co-treatment System of Food Waste for Large/Medium-sized Restaurants in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 黃武章


本研究嘗試先解決一般中大型餐飲業產出較多的前場生廚餘作為可行性評估之依據,利用問卷調查屏東縣內中大型餐飲業者可接受之廚餘清除處理費用,並調查現有屏東縣廚餘處理成本及其產物,以循環經濟的模式設計屏東縣中大型餐飲業者成立聯合平台,廢棄物經堆肥後則回到原生農場進行循環使用。 經研究發現這次參加問卷的20家廠商有宴會廳、餐館、自助餐、餐盒業者、攤販等,但光以業態並無法分析出餐廳規模大小,參加問卷的廠商有45%營業額在50萬以上,55%在50萬以下,經問卷數據比對分析發現營業額50萬以上大部分業者都委託廚餘清運業者,所以作者認為50萬營業額以下的業者屬於小型餐飲業者,而且廚餘量不高。 大部分餐飲業者都仰賴食材供應商及小農配送,因為是複選題所以在全部問卷對比當中可發現只有25%的業者只去傳統市場採買。如果再以餐廳規模分析可發現中大型餐飲業者只有大約10%自行至傳統市場採買。 90%的業者認為他們餐廳的廚餘清除處理是有問題的,95%的業者認為他們需對產生的廚餘去除負責,90%的業者不願意額外支付廚餘處理費用,100%的業者都知道餐廳產出的廚餘是有價值的,都願意支持成立共同清除機構,願意支持收購清除機構堆肥後交與契作農戶收成之食材,只有25%的業者有意願自行添購廚餘處理設備及投資廚餘處理場來處理自家廚餘,但80%業者都願意將廚餘處理費用轉移到其他固定成本,例如75%業者願意抵用食材費用,85%業者願意抵用燃料費用。 從這次研究可發現有55%的業者不願多花時間在廚餘的分類上面,而且95%的業者認為生熟廚餘可共同處理,總結這次問卷的數據,95%的餐飲業者都知道餐廳廚餘是業者的責任,但90%不願意額外支付廚餘的處理費用,95%都認為餐廳廚餘的處理是政府的責任,100%業者也願意支持成立共同處理場及以契作模式收購使用廚餘堆肥耕作之食材,但只有25%業者願意進行這項投資。


This research has intended to assess the recycling of food waste issues produced by the medium and large food service enterprises. In this research, in addition to use questionnaire survey to investigate the acceptable food waste disposal payment for medium and large food service enterprises, we investigated disposal cost and derivative in order to design a joint platform scheme, in aspects of circular economy to promote the food waste recycling at farming sites. Twenty food service enterprises were selected as participants in questionnaire in Pingtung county including banquet halls, restaurants, buffets, lunch box vendors, etc. However, the size of the food services enterprises cannot be recognized by the classification of industrial type. According to statistics, 45% of the participants in the questionnaire have a turnover of more than 500,000, and 55% have a turnover of less than 500,000. Results have found that the food service enterprises who have a turnover of more than 500,000 are entrusted that, food waste can be cleaned and treated by environmental enterprises. Therefore, the author has think that the food service enterprises with a turnover of less than 500,000 would be classified as small enterprises and their-own food waste amount is not so high. Most of the food service enterprises rely on food suppliers and small farmers to deliver food. Because it is a multiple-choice question, results have found that only 25% of the food service enterprises purchase food at traditional market. In aspect of food services enterprise scale, it can be found that only 10% of the large and medium enterprises go to traditional markets to buy the food. 90% of the food service enterprises consider their food waste treatment is problematically, while 95% of them believe that they are responsible for food waste. 90% of them are unwilling to pay extra for the food waste treatment. 100% of them are considering the food waste to be valuable and willing to support not only the establishment to join a co-treatment environmental enterprise and buy the food grow from the farming sites that have applied the food waste compost by pre-contract model. Only 25% of the food service enterprises are willing to invest for building a treatment organization to handle food waste treatment. 80% of the food service enterprises are willing to transfer the food waste treatment costs to other fixed costs, for example, 75% of the food services enterprises are willing to offset the cost of food materials, and 85% of the operators are willing to offset the cost of fuel. From this study, results have found that 55% of the food service enterprises are unwilling to spend more time on the classification of food waste, and 95% of the food services enterprises consider food waste to be processing by joint treatment. In summary, 95% of food service enterprises know the food waste treatment is their responsibility. However, 90% are unwilling to pay extra for the treatment of food waste, while 95% believe that the treatment of food waste is government’s duty. 100% of the food service enterprises are also willing to support the establishment to joint a co-treatment environmental enterprise and buy the food grow from the farming sites that have applied the food waste compost by pre-contract model, but only 25% of them are willing to invest.


一、 中文文獻
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