  • 學位論文


A Study of Public Community Childcare Centers in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 楊璧琿


台灣近幾年來人口生育率不斷降低,在2018 年老年人口達14.56%, 進入了高齡社會,人口老化與生育率息息相關,隨著台灣女性勞動參與 率提高、雙薪家庭增加,托育服務的需求備受重視,政府在婦女政策、 托育服務都有了大幅度的調整。 在托育服務方面,從保母人員技術士檢定、居家式托育服務管理、 大型公共托嬰中心建設、準公共化托育政策到社區公共托育家園的興起, 成為了近幾年蓬勃發展的托育照顧服務,政府擴大辦理社區公共托育家 園,貼近家長的育兒需求,提供完善的托育照顧服務同時,發現到社區 公共托育家園在營運過程中會面臨到法規、制度及執行層面的困境。 本研究以質性研究的方式進行探討,透過訪談屏東地區四間社區公 ii 共托育家園之主管人員,藉由訪談的方式,了解社區公共托育家園在籌 備及營運狀態,會面臨到哪些法規面、制度面及執行面的困境與因應策 略,從訪談中了解以下幾點的結論: 一、 社區公共托育家園托育人員勞動條件與薪資待遇不如非營利幼兒 園教保員的薪資制度,工時過長且無薪資級距的規範,容易留不住 優質人才,托育人員流動率高,無法提升托育品質。 二、 與地主間合作之優點共用場域與資源共享,反之因無獨立出入口導 致接送嬰幼兒動線不順暢、使用電費無統一收費標準等困境。 三、 家園制度層面困境為面對採購核銷流程不易、因營運單位與設計單 位設計理念不相同導致硬體設備不符合托育需求、一鄉一家園托嬰 量能不足、家園人力調度困難及無專用法規制定評鑑及訪視輔導指 標。 四、 家園執行層面困境為開辦費用使用規範不符合現場實際需求、母機 構認同度影響家園行政工作之流暢度及開托延宕導致招生期過 短。 最後依據研究結果,提出相關的建議,作為政策面、教學面及未來 研究者研究方向之參考。 關鍵詞:主管人員、托育人員、社區公共托育家園、托嬰中心


In recent years, the fertility rate of Taiwan's population has been decreasing. In 2018, the elderly population reached 14.56%, which means that Taiwan has entered an aging society. Population aging is closely related to fertility rate. It has been taken seriously, and the government has made substantial adjustments in women's policies and childcare services. In terms of childcare services, from the certification of childcare providers, the management of home-based childcare services, the construction of public childcare centers, the quasi-public childcare policy, and the rise of community public childcare homes, it has become a booming development in recent years. While government providing comprehensive child care services, there are issues raised such as facility regulations, systems and implementations. This research is conducted in a qualitative way. Through interviews with the supervisors of the four public community childcare centers in Pingtung area, difficulties and coping strategies of regulations, systems and implementations are discovered. The following are conclusions from the interviews: iv 1. The childcare providers’ working conditions and salaries in public community childcare centers are not as good as the non-profit kindergarten educators’. The working hours are too long and there are no standard salary scales, therefore it fails to retain high-quality workers. The high turnover rate of personnel is harmful to the quality of childcare. 2. There are advantages of cooperating with landlords, such as sharing venues and resources. On the contrary, due to the lack of independent exits, children's pick-up and drop-off route is not smooth. Moreover, there is no unified charging standard for electricity usage. 3. Difficulties are encountered in the process of equipment reimbursement. It is also commonly happened that the design of childcare facilities does not meet the need of childcare providers. Insufficient capacity for childcare services, difficulties in manpower scheduling, and the lack of specific regulations for community childcare centers are also discussed in this study. 4. On the implementation of public community childcare centers, it is found that the establishment fee is not adequate, the organizer’s support and the delay of opening influence the administrative efficiency. According to the results, this research make suggestions for government, educators and future researchers. Key words: childcare providers, public community childcare centers


2022 年1 月15 日。取自
王兆慶(2017)。托育公共化的最後一塊拼圖:0-2 歲托育政策。社區發展
