  • 學位論文


The environmental facility needs of pet cats in residence

指導教授 : 王伶芳


近年來,寵物市場的商機在臺灣蓬勃發展,其主原因是台灣出生率快速下降,寵物成了現代人彌補沒小孩的空缺,而貓的生活習性與現代都市人相近,不需要帶出去遛,貓的生性愛乾淨也不需要教導太多生活習慣,這幾個特點使貓在這幾年成為都市人喜愛養的寵物。飼主在飼養寵物貓時大多會從網路或是書籍中等其他方式了解養貓的注意事項,但在目前的資料中,鮮少有對住宅環境中,飼主養貓的環境與設施需求,因此,本研究將針對臺灣住宅中,飼主與貓對於空間的配置與設施調查。 本研究將用個案調查與問卷調查作為主要研究方法,利用文獻回顧設計出調查架構與問卷,並透過個案調查紀錄表、照片,輔以訪談了解養貓環境之現況,以此修正問卷內容,個案調查與問卷之案例來源,從網路社群Facebook中「貓咪也瘋狂俱樂部 CrazyCat club」社團中的社員為對象,就其意願協助本次研究,案例調查樣本為5家,問卷調查上總共發放213份,有效問卷200份,發放時間從2015年8月至9月,從案例調查與問卷調查發現1.目前飼養寵物貓之空間以客廳與貓主人臥室為核心2.長輩對於寵物貓的態度是影響活動大小主要原因3.普遍居家環境中缺乏貓的垂直動線。並從目前養貓環境缺失中提出合理的養貓空間配置與建議。


住宅 環境設施需求


In recent years, the pet market business opportunity has grown up prosperously in Taiwan. The birth rate reduction is one of the major reason, therefore pet becomes to compensate non kid vacancy of modem people. Cat habits are near with that of city people, owner needn't walk the cat, cat like clean and good living habits training is not required. These characteristics help cat to become the most favorite pet of city people. Most of cat owner learn cat raising knowledge from internet, book or other public medias. But it is very rare to find the information related cat raising environment and facility requirements from existing public information. Therefore, this research will focus on Taiwanese residence to investigate cat raising environmental deployment and facility requirements for cat owner and cat. On site case study and questionnaire case study are major research methods of this paper. We utilize existing rare documents review to develop investigation architecture and questionnaire. The questionnaire contents have been modified in accordance with on site case study records, photos and face to face interview of cat raising environment situation. The investigation resources of case study and questionnaire case study came from members of "Crazy Cat Club" on Facebook, thanks for their supporting to achieve this research. The investigation samples include 5 on site case study and 213 issued questionnaire with 200 effective feedback. The questionnaire has been issued from August till September of year 2015, a few issues summarized below have been found by on site case study and questionnaire case study.


2. 陳立桓(2014),《2001 年至2009 年臺灣家貓數調查》。國立臺灣大學獸醫專業學院碩士論文。
1. Irene Rochlitz(2005),A review of the housing requirements of domestic cats ( Felis silvestris catus)kept in the home,Applied Animal Behaviour Science。
1. ESG美化家庭(2014),《貓咪探險家》。臺北市:和風文創事業有限公司。
