  • 學位論文


A Study of Cram School Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness

指導教授 : 周素娥


在臺灣近年來的教改體驗及全球化競爭下,父母無不費盡心機加強孩子的競爭能力,補習班成了父母最佳的助手。隨著補習班的多元化經營,優秀的教師成為補習班的靈魂人物,也是攸關補習班永續經營勝敗的關鍵。 本研究主要在探討補習班教師組織承諾與教學效能之現況及其關係,並了解補習班教師之背景變項對其組織承諾及教學效能之差異狀況,比較補習班教師與學生家長於教學效能評分之敏感度。 藉由問卷調查研究法,研究對象以分層隨機抽樣,抽取臺中市21家招生對象以國中生、國小生為主之文理補習班教師241人,回收問卷191份,有效樣本數為189份;學生家長876人,回收問卷545份,有效學生家長問卷502份。以「補習班教師組織承諾與教學效能問卷」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。調查所得資料以SPSS 12.0 電腦統計套裝軟體進行描述統計分析、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元強迫迴歸分析、T檢定等方法。歸納實證研究的發現,本研究主要發現如下: 一、補習班教師於組織承諾與教學效能的感受均屬中上程度。 二、補習班教師之組織承諾,因婚姻狀況、擔任職務、組織規模之不同而有顯著差異。 三、補習班教師之教學效能,因年齡、婚姻狀況、服務年資、擔任職務、進修狀況、組織規模之不同而有顯著差異。 四、補習班教師組織承諾與教學效能呈正相關。 五、補習班教師組織承諾對教學效能具顯著預測性。 六、補習班教師自評與學生家長評分之教學效能無顯著差異。


補習班 組織承諾 教學效能


In recent years, the education reforms and increasing global competitions have propelled almost every parent to enhance their children’s competitiveness, and cram schools have thus become their best assistant. As most cram schools seek to provide diversified courses, outstanding teachers have become the core figures in cram schools, whose teaching effectiveness may affect the sustainable management of cram schools. This study aimed to explore the organizational commitment and teaching effectiveness of teachers in cram schools and the relationship between the two. Further, it also attempted to understand the impact of teachers’ background variables on their organizational commitment and teaching effectiveness and compare teachers’ and parents’ sensitivity to teaching effectiveness evaluation. The questionnaire survey method was adopted. A total of 241 teachers from 21 cram schools offering courses to mainly junior high school students and elementary school students in Taichung City were surveyed using stratified random sampling. 191 responses were collected, and 189 of them were valid. Besides, 876 parents were also surveyed. 545 copies of the questionnaire were collected, and 502 copies were valid. The research tool was “Survey on Cram School Teachers’ Organizational Commitment and Teaching Effectiveness”. The survey results were statistically processed on SPSS 12.0 to conduct descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, multiple force-entry regression, and t-test. From this empirical research, the following results were obtained: 1.Most of the cram school teachers’ perception of organizational commitment and teaching effectiveness was above the intermediate level. 2.Cram school teachers’ organizational commitment was significantly affected by marital status, position, and organizational scale. 3.Cram school teachers’ teaching effectiveness would be significantly affected by their age, marital status, service duration, position, advance training, and organizational scale. 4.Cram school teachers’ organizational commitment was positively correlated with their teaching effectiveness. 5.Cram school teachers’ organizational commitment had a significant predicting power for their teaching effectiveness. 6.No significant difference between cram school teachers’ self evaluation and parents’ evaluation of teachers’ teaching effectiveness was observed.


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