  • 學位論文

高雄數位學園上網飆作業施行成效之研究 以龍華國小為例

The Implementation Effectiveness on the Kaohsiung Digital School's Internet Homework-Take Longhua Primary School for Example

指導教授 : 吳有龍


為了提供學生主動學習,落實資訊融入各科教學之教育目標,並且鼓勵學生關心時事、重視健康以及養成學生正確運用網路資源的習慣,而本研究對象的學校,提供學生一份優質的暑假作業,且這份作業需要在網路上完成,其上網飆作業之內容可分為線上測驗、競賽活動、參觀活動與自我學習。研究者本身於高雄市教育機構服務,基於工作之便,針對寒暑假上網飆作業之施行成效進行研究。 本研究採質性之研究,藉由訪談上網飆作業之使用者學生以及協助者老師,學生者採樣6位,教師採樣5位進行相關訪談,再由訪談結果分析其成效。本研究發現影響成效的主要關鍵: 在於學童本身的家庭環境、個人特質與他人影響,而他人影響又包含同儕及老師,還有題型是否多樣化,獎勵品是否足以誘導孩童的寫作動機,本研究之結果可對於此政策的推動及如何判斷其成效優劣與否,最後提出5點建議,供相關教育單位參考。


In order to offer an opportunity to learn impassively for students, implement the education goal of combining information technology with every subject; to encourage students to increase awareness of current affairs, value health and acquire them to get used to using resource on the internet correctly. The school which is taken as the research subject offers students a high quality summer vacation homework which has to be done on the internet. This internet homework can be divided into four parts: online quiz, competition activity, field trip and self-learning. The researcher herself is working at educational institution in Kaohsiung. With the convenience of her working place, she does the research aimed at the effect of the practice of doing vacation homework on the internet. This is a qualitative research. Take the students using the system of doing vacation homework on the internet and the teacher helpers as objects, sample six students and five teachers, and do the relative interview. Afterwards, analyze the effect through the result of the interview. As the research is investigating the relative factors that may affect the result, it considers the crucial points are learner’s family background, personality and impact from others. The latter includes classmates’ and teachers’. What’s more, whether the type of questions is diverse, and whether learners are motivated enough by the rewards are also crucial. The purpose of the research is to investigate the implement of this policy. Whether the effect is positive will decide the necessity of keeping the policy.


elearning self-learning internet homework


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