  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Health Promoting Activities for Obesity Prevention and Control-The Experience of a Community in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 鄭雅愛 蔡金川


研究背景:肥胖是全球引起死亡的第五大風險因子,每年至少有280萬成人死於超重或肥胖,有44%的糖尿病及23%的缺血性心臟病可歸因於肥胖。因此本研究將藉由社區健康促進活動中,飲食營養教育課程,以及有氧運動課程的介入,來探討社區健康促進活動的對肥胖控制成效。 研究方法:以立意取樣方式,收集高雄市某社區,對社區健康促進活動有興趣參加,並能參與9個小時以上健康促進課程的受試對象。問卷採用次級結構式問卷,內容包含:基本資料、健康資料、營養認知量表及健康行為,資料分析以SPSS18.0進行分析,統計方法有描述性統計、Paired-T檢定及卡方檢定等方法處理資料。 研究結果顯示:(一) 社區健康促進活動介入 後社區民眾健康資料,體重、腰圍、臀圍、BMI及體脂肪有改善。但是pair- t檢驗中只有體重和腰圍有顯著下降。(二) 社區健康促進活動介入後社區民眾營養認知,pair- t檢驗中是有顯著性差異。以分數表示本假設部分成立。(三) 社區健康促進活動介入後社區民眾健康行為,常吃高油脂的食物,卡方檢驗中是有相關性。 結論:根據本研究的結果可以看出,透過社區健康促進活動的課程介入,可以使社區的民眾藉由上課的方法獲得許多飲食、營養、運動等健康的減重概念,改變自己的健康行為,來預防及控制肥胖情形。另外民眾也可以選擇適合自己的習慣、方法來控制自己的體重,有健康的身體,勢必能夠增加自我的生活品質,讓生活能夠過得更開心愉快。


健康促進 肥胖控制


Objectives: Obesity if the fifth leading cause of death in the world. More than 2.8 million people died because of overweight or obesity. Moreover, 44% of Diabetes and 23% of Ischemic heart disease are associated with obesity. Therefore, the study will explore the effectiveness of community health promotion programs for obesity control. The programs include nutrition educational program and aerobics exercise intervention. Methods: The study samples are residents in one community in Kaohsiung. They are willing to participate and finish health promotion course more than 9 hours. Structured questionnaires were used which including questions about basic information, health status, nutrition literacy, and health behaviors. Spss18.0 was used to do the analysis. Analysis methods include descriptive analysis, Paired-T analysis, and Chi-square tests. Results: (1) after the intervention of health promotion program, health status, such as weight, waist circumference, hips, BMI and body fat were all improved. However, only weight and waist circumference showed significant improvement. (2) after the intervention of health promotion program, nutrition literacy showed significantly differences. (3) after the intervention of health promotion program, health behaviors, such as consumption of oily food, were significantly different. Conclusion: According to this study, residents could change their health behaviors (such as diet behaviors, health activity behaviors) for the purpose of disease prevention and body weight control by health promotion activities in the community. Otherwise, residents can choose the proper methods to control weight. Building a healthy body can increase the quality of life, and have a happier life in the future.


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