  • 學位論文


Integrated sensing and control for improving traditional coop

指導教授 : 馮介川


本研究主旨在建立現代化雞舍適用的感測與自動化控制系統 ,利用感測設備對禽舍環境品質進行量測與分析,探討對策,進行相對應的環境維護及自動化設備應用之調整。 目前自動化雞舍概念趨近成熟,包含溫度控制、相對濕度控制、氨氣濃度、二氧化硫、二氧化碳濃度、一氧化碳、甲烷、甲醛、粉塵粒子濃度、飼料與水的餵食等飼養雞隻的重要要素條件; 本次設計主要概念為針對有害氣體的排除與增加氣體流動率並對有害氣體來源之雞糞作出簡單卻有效益之處理,減少雞舍內有害氣體堆積危害雞隻健康狀況與食品安全並間接改善雞舍的工作人員於雞舍內作業時長期累積造成慢性呼吸道疾病之職業傷害。   本研究成功的初步建構出這套半自動化系統,並於開發過程中發現並解決一些實際雞舍內的管理問題,觀察雞隻的活動習性,設計相對應的運動邏輯,避免傷害到雞隻;調節風機控制有效分配風機運轉效益降低故障率與雞隻不適應之狀況;開發階段仍在持續觀察台灣傳統中小型半開放養殖環境之需求與未來技術可移植之應用。


雞舍 氣壓感測器


The research topic focuses on sensing and automation of coop. Sensors being installed are used for the surveillance of environmental effects, such as temperature, while control strategy adjusts facts of implementation. Currently, coop automation is developing, including temperature control, humidity control, ammonia concentration, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, formaldehyde, dust particle concentration, feed, and water. The main design is the exclusion against harmful gases and increasing the gas flow rate. Therefore, harmful gas of chicken dung will also be expelled from coop by activating the automatic control system. In this case, the environmental quality of the coop can be improved such that the health condition of chicken can be improved. In addition, for those work in the coop who in general got chronic respiratory diseases can be greatly improved. This study successfully constructed a set of semi-automated system, and found that in the development process and solved some practical management issues inside the chicken coop. Observing chicken activities and habits, suitable logic of chicken movement is designed accordingly in order to avoid injury to the chickens; adjusting fan operation efficient and allocation to benefits and reduce the failure rate; the development phase is continuing demand for traditional small and medium sized semi-open farming environment in Taiwan and application of future technologies.


coop Arduino UNO atmospheric pressure-sensor


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