  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Business Analysis and Budget Setting of the Government’s Procurement

指導教授 : 徐祥禎
共同指導教授 : 魏乃捷(Nai-Chieh Wei)


政府施行「政府採購法」,目的在建立本國各機關採購相關制度,確立公正及透明之採購程序,藉以提升採購效率與性能。惟商情分析方式尚有許多可精進與研討空間,因此本次研究目的在探討並瞭解商情分析關聯性,作為機關提昇採購品質、效益及管理方針參考。 本研究採電子問卷方式便利抽樣調查,透過數據統計並且分析評估機關採購人員,辦理商情分析之各項考量因素,以期瞭解商情分析對機關之影響,達到撙節預算編列及提昇採購效率等目的,並依研究結果,提出具體結論與建議,作為爾後機關精進商情分析作業流程及修訂相關作業程序之依據。


The policy of Government Procurement Act is to establish the related procurement system for government agencies. An open and fair purchase procedure would promote the efficiency and performance of procurement system. However, business analysis remains lots of room for improvement and discussion. Hence, the aim of this research is to explore and understand the correlation analysis of business analysis. The results could be directly applied to improve the procurement quality, effectiveness and management for government agencies. In this study, the on-line questionnaire method and convenience sampling scheme are adopted. Data correction and Statistics analysis are carefully evaluated based on the survey results from purchasing staff in government agencies. Various business analyses are examined the impact of procurement procedure on the institution as well as the purpose of cut down expense and increase the work efficiency. Based on research results, some conclusions and suggestions are proposed to improve the work flow of business analysis and modify the relevant operations of procurement procedures.


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