  • 學位論文

國中生即時通訊軟體LINE 使用行為在人際關係與學習成就之研究─以高雄市某國中為例

The Study of Junior-high School Students’ Use Behaviors of Line on Interpersonal Relationship and Academic Performance - A Study of A Junior High School in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 吳有龍


本研究主要探討高雄市某國中學生 LINE 使用行為在 LINE 人際互動、真實人際關係、學習成就間相互影響之情形,並對不同背景變項的學生比較 LINE 使用行為、LINE人際互動、真實人際關係與學習成就之差異。本研究採用問卷調查方法進行資料蒐集,以「LINE 使用行為」、「LINE 人際互動」、「真實人際關係」等調查問卷為研究工具,採分層隨機抽樣方式選定高雄市某公立國中學生為研究對象,有效樣本為 489 份,有效樣本回收率為97.8%。將蒐集到的資料進行項目分析、描述統計、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾遜積差相關分析及迴歸分析等統計方法分析處理。本研究結果歸納如下: 1.LINE的使用行為:不同背景變項的國中生在LINE使用行為上有顯著差異。 2.LINE人際互動:不同性別之國中生有顯著差異。女生在「親密性揭 露」、「訊息性揭露」、「LINE人際互動整體性」都顯著高於男生。訊息性揭露比親密性揭露得分高;顯示國中生在 LINE 上的自我揭露是一種情感需求,多數是為抒發情感和尋求認同。 3.真實人際關係:國中女生在真實人際關係、與同儕關係和與師長關係上均顯著優於男生。國中生在真實人際關係中,與同儕關係最好,與家人關係次之,與師長關係較疏離。國中生在真實人際關係中,真實朋友數較多的國中生在「LINE 好友數」也較多,且「LINE 人際互動」也較好。顯示真實朋友數多會有較多實際的人際互動,可以間接帶動 LINE 人際互動的交流。 4.LINE人際互動對真實人際關係呈顯著正相關,國中生若能適切地使用LINE,將有助於 LINE 上之人際互動,並間接促進真實人際關係的維繫。真實人際關係對學習成就表現呈現負向影響,顯示國中生在真實人際關係不佳,也會連帶影響學習成就表現低落。在學習成就表現上,男生比女生顯著較好。


This study mainly explores the relations of the students’ Line use behaviors on Line interpersonal interaction, real interpersonal elationship and academic performances in a junior high school incity. Besides, the research also discusses the students in different backgrounds about their differences in Line use behaviors, Line interpersonal interaction, real interpersonal relationship and academic performances. The study uses questionnaires to collect data. “Line use behavior”,“Line interpersonal interaction”, “real interpersonal relationship” and other questionnaires are the research tools. The target group is chosen from a junior high school in Kaohsiung city with the stratified random sampling method. Valid samples are 489; the effective sample feedback rate is 97.8%. The collected data are analyzed and processed by statistical methods such as project analysis, descriptive statistics, chi-square test, one-way analysis of variance, independent samples t-test statistics, Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The use behaviors of Line: Junior high school students in different backgrounds show a significant difference in the use behaviors of Line. 2. Line interpersonal interaction: Junior high school students with different genders reveal obvious differences. Female students’ scores are significantly higher than male students on “intimate disclosure”, “disclosure of information”, and “wholeness of Line interpersonal interaction”. Moreover, “disclosure of information” shows a higher score than “intimate disclosure”. For junior high school students, the self-disclosure on Line is an emotional need, mostly for expressing feelings and seeking approval. 3. Real interpersonal relationship: Junior high school students have the best relationship with the peers, the second with family relations, but feel more alienated from the teachers. Female students are significantly better than male students in the relationships with peers and teachers. In addition, junior high students who have more real friends have more “Line friend number” and better “Line interpersonal interaction”. It shows owning more real friends has more practical interpersonal relationships, which can indirectly drive the interpersonal interaction of Line. 4. Line interpersonal interaction has a significant positive correlation with real interpersonal relationship. For junior high school students, using Line aptly helps Line interpersonal interaction and indirectly facilitates the maintenance of real interpersonal relationship. However, real interpersonal relationship has a negative correlation with academic performances. Students who have bad real interpersonal relationships show bad performances on grades. Besides, male students’ academic performances are obviously better than female students.


