  • 學位論文


Prevention Juvenile dangerous driving(racing) Research Policy in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 蕭宏金
共同指導教授 : 葉上葆(Shang-Bao Ye)


長期以來,在各新聞媒體的版面上,高雄市青少年危險駕車(飆車)橫行的報導,成為市政民意滿意度的一大絆腳石及造成治安上的隱憂。在2010年及2014年底三位高雄市長候選人日前接受Yahoo!奇摩網站訪問,亦都坦承這是高雄治安一大問題,並提出防制飆車相關政策藥方,楊秋興考慮在高屏溪岸邊闢飆車專用道;國民黨籍黃昭順要在飆車道灑豆子,「寧可飆車族受傷,也不要飆車後拿西瓜刀砍人」;現任民進黨籍陳菊則主張取締與勸導併行,引起網友熱烈討論。大高雄三位市長候選人除了回應防制青少年飆車規劃,其他線上回答還包括「如何提升高捷效益」、「如何增加高雄就業機會」等議題,其中討論最熱烈的即是如何防制青少年危險駕車(飆車)問題。 惟警察雖以強力執法壓制,青少年飆車行為仍難以根絕,原因在於其受教育、家庭、社會、經濟等多層面因素影響,需整合各界力量共同防制,方能有效杜絕飆車歪風。近年來「飆車族」利用科技通訊聯絡方式,有集結快速及流竄性高之特性,常利用深夜警力單薄時段成群結隊競駛,經新聞媒體報導後,造成民眾對政府執法的疑慮及產生治安負面影響。 警察角色具有維護社會治安之功能,其取締、遏止青少年危險駕車行為乃係警察行使職權的重要一環。防制青少年危險駕車(飆車)專案之政策執行,基本上是採取「從上而下」的執行模式,這種模式強調,政策制訂者決定政策目標和指導行動的優越地位,由於採取從上而下執行模式,一般多重視上級長官的目標設定與方案規劃之能力,而忽略末端第一線執行人員的行為動機、意願與工作價值觀,而低估第一線執行人員企圖影響政策目標的實力,而在強調法令規章的同時,第一線執行人員之自主裁量空間對於其認知、態度會不會產生「上有政策、下有對策」的落差情形? 本文於此模式思考下,試以政策執行的角度,希望透由質性研究分析途徑所建構之政策執行理論,作為本文之研究方法,並以高雄市警察機關為例,審查評估警察機關防制青少年飆車之政策。針對高雄市防制青少年危險駕車(飆車)提出建議,俾提供高雄市在防制青少年危險駕車(飆車)之各項政策中,就政策工具選擇使用之考慮,尋找出最佳的政策執行工具。


For a long time, the layout of the news media, youth Kaohsiung dangerous driving (racing) reported rampant, has become a major stumbling block to the municipal public satisfaction and security caused worries on. In 2010 and the end of 2014 has accepted three Kaohsiung mayoral candidate Yahoo! Xtra site visit, also have admitted that this is a problem of law and order in Kaohsiung and made racing-related prevention and control policy prescriptions, Yang Chiu-hsing consider the provision of shore in Gaoping racing lanes; KMT HuangZhaoShun to sprinkle beans in drag racing track, "rather motorcycle gangs injured, do not take the melon knives to injure after racing"; DPP incumbent Chen Chu advocated banning parallel with persuasion, fueled heated discussions. Kaohsiung mayoral candidate in addition to three teenagers racing respond Prevention Plan, other online answer also include "how to improve the efficiency KMRT, "how to increase employment opportunities in Kaohsiung," and other issues to discuss, among the most enthusiastic young people that is how dangerous Prevention driving (drag racing) issues. Even though the force of law enforcement but police repression, teen drag racing behavior is still difficult to eradicate, because of its education, family, social, economic and other multi-level factors, the need to integrate all forces joint prevention and control, in order to prevent effective racing unhealthy trend. In recent years, "fast car" way to use technology Communications, has assembled fast and high flows of the properties, often late-night time crowds thin police driving competition, after news media reports, causing people to government law enforcement concerns and produce security negative impact. Police role has the function of maintaining social order, which banned curb dangerous driving behavior is the Department of Juvenile police an important part of the exercise of authority. Prevention Teenagers dangerous driving policy (racing) project of execution, basically adopted a "top-down" execution model that emphasized policy makers decide policy objectives and guiding action advantageous position, because the take from the top under execution mode, and more generally focus on capacity superiors of goal setting and planning of the program, while ignoring the motivation the end of the first line of enforcement personnel, will and work values, while underestimating the first line executives attempt to influence the strength of policy objectives, namely neglect policy implementers counterproductive effect (counterproductive effect)? While at the same time emphasizing the laws and regulations, the independent discretion of the space between the first line executives for their knowledge, attitudes will not produce "have policies, under the measures" scenario? This article ponder this mode, the test at an angle of policy implementation, and hope through the qualitative analysis of the implementation of policy approaches constructed theory, as the study of this method, and the police in Kaohsiung, for example, the police reviewed and evaluated Prevention Youth Policy drag racing. Kaohsiung Prevention for Adolescents dangerous driving (racing) recommendations, to serve in the prevention and control adolescent provides Kaohsiung dangerous driving (racing) of the various policies, the use of policy tools selection consideration, to find the best policy implementation tool.


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