  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Teachers’ Work Stress with Administrative Duties and Organizational Commitment of Elementary Schools in kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 汪芷榆


本研究之目的是探討高雄市國小兼任行政工作教師工作壓力與組織承諾之現況,比較不同背景變項的高雄市國小兼任行政工作教師工作壓力對組織承諾之差異情形。進而探討高雄市國小兼任行政工作教師工作壓力對組織承諾之相關性,最後分析高雄市國小兼任行政工作教師工作壓力對組織承諾之預測力。 本研究之主要對象為高雄市國小兼任行政工作教師,使用問卷調查法,以自行編制之「高雄市國小兼任行政工作教師工作壓力對組織承諾之調查問卷」作為研究工具。本研究共發放298份問卷,總共回收267份問卷,有效問卷為253份,回收問卷有效率為94.8%,回收之問卷以spss版統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等方法分析問卷資料,所得結論如下: 一、高雄市國小兼任行政工作教師工作壓力現況為中等程度,其中以「工作負荷」較高,「專業知能」較低。 二、高雄市國小兼任行政工作教師組織承諾屬中上程度。 三、不同年齡及不同任教年資教師在組織承諾各子構面均有顯著之差異。 四、國小兼任行政工作教師工作壓力對組織承諾整體相關情形而言,呈現負相關,且達顯著水準。 最後本研究歸納整理相關的研究結果、提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關單位及國小兼任行政職教師實務應用與未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of working pressure and organizational commitment for Kaohsiung city's elementary school teachers with administrative duties, to compare the different teacher's background variables work pressure on organizational differences in the case. Then discuss the relationship between teacher's working pressure with administrative duties and organizational commitment in Kaohsiung City, and to analyze the prediction of teacher's working pressure on organizational commitment. A proportional stratified sampling was applied with the population of teachers of part-time administrative positions in elementary schools in Kaohiung City. The tool was a personally made questionnaire “The scale of elementary school teachers’ working pressure with administrative duties and organizational commitment“. In this study, a total of 298 questionnaires were distributed, a total of 267 questionnaires were collected, the percentage of valid questionnaires was 94.8%.The data were collected using software SPSS version 19, descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson cross-product correlation, and stepwise regression analysis. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The current working pressure of Kaohsiung elementary school teacher with administrative duties is moderate. "Work load" higher and "professional knowledge" lower. 2. The organizational commitment's Perception of Kaohsiung teachers with administrative duties is Moderate. 3. Teachers of different ages and different teaching qualifications have significant differences in the organizational commitment of all substructures. 4. The current work pressure of Kaohsiung elementary school teachers with administrative duties is negatively correlated to the overall relevant situation of organizational commitment and reaches a significant level. Finally, this study summarizes the relevant research results, put forward specific proposals for educational and administrative agencies and units. As well as the reference to the practical application and future research of administrative staff as teachers in our country.


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吳明隆、吳彩鳳 (2011)。 高雄縣國民小學教師工作壓力與組織承諾關係之研究。學校行政, 73,頁 222 -246。
