  • 學位論文


The Study of Professional Soldiers in the Relationships among Leisure Participation, Working Pressure, and Life Quality

指導教授 : 林皆興
共同指導教授 : 蕭宏金(Luke H.C. Hsiao)


職業軍人所面對的工作壓力來源都有不同,雖然適度的工作壓力可以激發個人的工作效率,但要是不斷累積壓力,並且無法透過正向積極的方式舒緩壓力,對個人身心靈都會造成危害,所以參與休閒活動是舒緩工作壓力,提高生活品質的方法之一。然而過去卻少有研究者針對相關主題進行探討,再加上目前大多數的職業軍人除休假外,皆須全天候在單位內執行高壓的訓練或備戰任務,自然會帶給職業軍人不小的工作壓力,而當這工作壓力阻礙了休閒參與,進而導致其生活品質低落時,這一連串因工作壓力所引發的影響與效應都成為國軍相關單位不可忽視的問題,因此本研究將探討職業軍人休閒參與、工作壓力與生活品質之間的關係,藉此瞭解職業軍人如何透過參與休閒活動降低工作壓力,進而提高生活品質,最後根據研究結果提供國軍單位作為降低職業軍人工作壓力、提升職業軍人生活品質之參考建議。故本研究提出三點研究目的:1.探討休閒參與與工作壓力之關係。2.探討工作壓力與生活品質之關係。3.探討休閒參與與生活品質之關係。 本研究將採用問卷調查方式,首先依據相關文獻設計職業軍人休閒參與、工作壓力與生活品質之調查問卷,並以在新北市某國防部部隊服役之志願役軍士官兵為研究對象,採用網路問卷方式進行問卷發放與回收,最後針對所回收的有效問卷進行敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析以及迴歸分析。 研究結果發現: 1.「運動健身型與」與「整體工作壓力」之間達顯著正相關性,而「家庭社交型」、「藝文知識型」、「個人嗜好型」、「消費享樂型」、「大眾媒體型」與「整體工作壓力」之相關係數皆達到顯著負相關。2. 「運動健身型與」、「家庭社交型」、「藝文知識型」、「戶外遊憩型」、「消費享樂型」分別與「整體生活品質」之間達顯著正相關性。3.「工作本身與角色要求」、「主管領導風格」、「職業生涯發展」、「家庭和經濟問題」分別與「整體生活品質」之間達顯著負相關性。


Working pressures came from everywhere for professional soldiers, and without positive and active ways to release the tenseness, the accumulation of pressure would jeopardize personal mentality and spirits albeit appropriate working pressure could arouse personal working efficiency. Leisure participation thus is a way to alleviate working pressures and improve life quality. Unfortunately, relevant research were few, In addition, most of the current professional military personnel must perform high-pressure training or preparation tasks in the unit around the clock, except for vacations, which will naturally bring a lot of work pressure to professional military personnel, and when this work pressure hinders leisure participation, and then When the quality of life is low, this series of influences and effects caused by work pressure has become a problem that cannot be ignored by the relevant units of the national army. The study understanding how professional soldiers alleviated working pressure and improve life quality by leisure participation. There are three research purposes in this research:1. To explore the relationship between leisure participation and work pressure. 2. Explore the relationship between work pressure and quality of life. 3. Explore the relationship between leisure participation and quality of life. Questionnaire survey was adopted in the study, and they were made by relevant studies in leisure participation, working pressure, and life quality. Professional soldiers who served in a specific troop in New Taipei City were the research objects. Questionnaires were delivered and retrieved by the digital form, and all the data from effective returned questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The results are as follows: 1. the sport and fitness style were significantly positive correlated to overall working pressure whereas the family style, arts style, personal hobby style, hedonic style, and media style were significantly negative correlated to overall working pressure. 2. The sport and fitness style, family style, arts style, outdoor style, and hedonic style were significantly positive correlated to overall life quality. 3. The work and role requirement, leadership of director, development of career, issues of family and economies were significantly negative correlated to overall life quality.


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