  • 學位論文

工作壓力、工作滿意、組織承諾之結構 模式研究--台越勞工差異比較

A Structural Modeling Research on Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment:A Comparison between Vietnamese and Taiwanese Workers

指導教授 : 廖紫柔


在現代出色之企業,必須讓企業中各層及員工全心投入與信任,如此可以提高工作效率、生產成本降低,而組織承諾為員工對於組織的信任重要指標之一。從 2006 年開使,因為政府政策改變、勞工成本提高等因素,台商開始大量出現從中國移往越南風潮,現有國內組織承諾研究大多以台灣勞工為主,較缺乏比較台越勞工差異的相關研究,本研究探討台灣勞工與越南勞工之工作壓力、工作滿意及組織承諾三者結構模式之差異。 本研究透過問卷,隨機抽樣問卷調查 610 位台灣勞工及 998 位越南勞工,並將所收集之問卷資料運用 SPSS 19.0 及 AMOS 20.0 套裝軟體進行整理,並以結構模式分別驗證兩個地區的工作壓力、工作滿意及組織承諾三者結構關係是否具有差異。 研究結果顯示,兩地勞工之工作壓力對於工作滿意度皆具有顯著負向影響,而工作滿意度對於組織承諾則皆具有顯著正向影響。此外,台灣勞工之工作壓力對於組織承諾具有顯著負向影響,但是越南勞工之工作壓力對於組織承諾反而具有顯著正向影響。最後,三變數之結構關係驗證顯示,台越勞工之工作壓力確實會經由工作滿意的中介效果顯著間接影響組織承諾,但此中介效果對於台灣勞工的影響大於越南勞工。換言之,工作壓力對組織承諾的影響在越南比在台灣強度較大,而工作滿意對於組織承諾的影響則是在台灣比在越南強度較大。 本研究之研究結果可作為台商至越南投資之員工管理參考,並提出對於後續研究之建議。


Organizational commitment of employees serves as an important indicator of trust toward the organization. Since 2006, many Taiwanese businessmen have moved their factories to Vietnam, yet few research shed light on exploring the differences between workers in Taiwan and that of Vietnam. This study intended to compare the structural modeling relationship of job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment between Vietnamese and Taiwanese workers. Research data were collected by a questionnaire survey, 610 Taiwanese workers and 998 Vietnamese workers were ramdonly sampled as objects. Statistical anlayses were performed by using SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 20.0 statistical software package. The results showed that in the two countries, job stress has a significant negative impact on job satisfaction, and job satisfaction has a significant positive impact on organizational commitment. Besides, Taiwanese workers’ job stress has a significant negative impact on organizational commitment; on the contrary, Vietnamese workers’ job stress has a significant positive impact on organizational commitment. A test of the structural modeling relationship between job stress, job satisfaction and organizational commitment found that for Vietnamese and Taiwanese workers, job satisfaction has significant intermediary effect on the relationship between job stress and organizational commitment, but for Taiwanese workers, the intermediary effect of job satisfaction are greater than that for Vietnamese workers. The results of this study can be used as reference to improve the effectiveness of staff management for Taiwanese investors in Vietnam. The suggestions for future reseach are also given as reference.


傳彥凱和張朝欽(2009) 工作壓力、工作滿意與組織承諾之研究-以苗栗縣國小總務主任為例,中華技術學院學報,(40),139-163。
