  • 學位論文


Research on the Key Factors of Student Internship Affecting the Willingness to Stay

指導教授 : 劉興郁


由於台灣 少子化 現象日漸嚴重, 導致企業 尋 求人才不易 的趨勢也不斷 擴大。此外,少子化也使學校招生及經營面臨挑戰,因而學校改變方式走 入企業,與企業結合,使學生得以 提早規劃畢業後的就業方向,以及增進 對職場工作有更深入的體認,而企業從學校招募學生進入企業實習,一方 面回饋社會及學校,協助教育指導學生,另一方面也為企業培育人才,從 實習開始栽培,可減少畢業後任職的適應期。基此,本研究擬對學生實習 在 留職意願之關鍵影響因素做探 討,共發放 96 份問卷,有效問卷 56 份, 研究結果如下: 1. 實習生對系上所安排的實習課程,不論是在實習指導過 程、工作氛圍、工作環境以及實習機構皆有高度的滿意度,且對於自己的 求職方向或人生規畫都有個清楚的目標,畢業後回實習單位任職的意願也 普遍偏高; 2. 在實習收穫上 ,以「以增進對職場工作的了解」、「 提升問題解 決能力」、「提升人際互動能力」、「提升實務能力」認同較高。基此,研究 建議 實習學生是否願意留職,與實習收穫與實習滿意度有關,而實習收穫會受到選擇實習公司之顯著影響,因此提供讓學生能自主選擇實習企業的實習媒合制度確實有助增進實習生的實習收穫與滿意度。再者,實習學生 是否留任,與實習期間的實習工作內涵、薪資待遇、未來發展性、公司環 境等有顯著關聯,因此實習生能否留任,企業扮演著十分關鍵的角色。


As the phenomenon of Taiwan's declining birthrate is becoming more and more serious, the trend of enterprises seeking talents is not easy. In addition, the declining birthrate also challenges the enrollment and management of the school. Therefore, the school changes its way into the enterprise and integrates with the enterprise, so that students can plan the employment direction after graduation and improve their understanding of the workplace. Recruiting students from the school to enter the enterpris e internship, on the one hand, giving back to the society and the school, assisting in education and guiding students, on the other hand, cultivating talents for the enterprise, and starting cultivation from the internship, can reduce the adaptation period of post graduation. Based on this, this study intends to discuss the key influencing factors of student internship in the willingness to stay, a total of 96 questionnaires and 56 valid questionnaires. The results are as follows: First, intern’s internship course, whether in the department The internship guidance process, work atmosphere, work environment and internship institutions are highly satisfied, and have a clear goal for their job search direction or life planning. The willingness to return to the internship unit after graduation is generally high; Secondary, in the internship, the recognition of "improving the understanding of workplace work", "improving problem-solving ability", "improving interpersonal interaction ability" and "improving practical ability" is relatively high. Based on this, the study suggests that the internship students are willing to stay in the job, which is related to the internship harvest and the internship satisfaction, and the internship harvest will be significantly affected by the selection of the internship company. Therefore, it is indeed helpful to provide an internship system that allows students to choose their own internship enterprises. Intern's internship harvest and satisfaction. Furthermore, whether or not the internship student is retained is significantly related to the internship work, salary, future development, and company environment during the internship. Therefore, the company plays a very important role in whether the intern can remain.


技術及職業教育司(2013)。第二期技職教育再造計畫內涵。2013/10/17取自http://epaper.edu.tw/news.aspx?news sn=21183。
