  • 學位論文


Physiological loads during construction work in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭道明


根據統計我國營建勞工常因工作負荷過重與超時工作,造成身體不適或傷害的狀況層出不窮,而允許工作時間的長短與工作需求耗氧量及個人之耗氧能力等有關,且不同國家的勞工可能因工作習慣、環境或氣候因素不同,造成工作需求耗氧量的差異,而我國針對營建業在此方面的研究相當有限。本研究針對我國營建業勞工常見之作業項目,進行工作耗氧量之調查,並建置我國營建業勞工常見作業項目能量代謝資料,提供給我國營建業各相關管理人員作為決定營建業勞工休息時間、作業時間、防範過度疲勞而致生意外及維持良好作業效率之參考依據。 本研究採工地現場實地量測方式進行,共徵得14位台灣營建業勞工參與實驗,針對模板組立、灌漿、水電配置、地磚鋪設、鏟沙、放樣及粗工等作業項目利用START 2000M可攜式氣體分析儀,進行工作耗氧量量測,並利用Ergo 2000M程式軟體進行分析,分析結果顯示,在平均工作需求耗氧量驗算結果為模板組立:1.25±0.19(L/min)、灌漿:1.17±0.24(L/min)、水電配置:0.92±0.20(L/min)、地磚鋪設:0.52±0.12(L/min)、鏟沙:1.49±0.46(L/min)、放樣:0.89±0.17(L/min)、粗工:1.01±0.17(L/min)。


耗氧量 工作負荷 能量代謝


According to the related statistics, the construction workers in Taiwan constantly suffer physical disorders or injuries due to heavy workload and excessive working hours. As a matter of fact, tolerable working hours are related to oxygen consumption required at work and individual’s ability in oxygen consumption. Factors such as working habits, environment or climate cause variations in oxygen consumption of construction workers required at work in different countries. Not many studies on the above aspect have been carried out for the construction industry in Taiwan so far. Therefore, this study attempts to survey oxygen consumption at work based on the work types commonly seen in the construction industry in Taiwan. In addition, the information of energy metabolism versus general work types executed by the workers in the construction industry is established as a reference for the management personnel in the industry in order to make proper arrangements of break time and operation time for workers, prevent workers from excessive fatigue which leads to accidents, and maintain good operation efficiency. The measurements in this study were carried out at a construction site. 14 workers in the construction industry in Taiwan were invited to participate in the experiment. The work types surveyed were: formwork assembly, grouting, water and electricity distribution, tile pavement, sand shoveling, lay out and rough manual works. START 2000M portable gas analyzer was applied to measure oxygen consumption at work. Then, the software, Ergo 2000M, was used for further analysis. The analytical results showing the average oxygen consumption required at work are as follows: formwork assembly: 1.25±0.19 (L/min); grouting: 1.17±0.24(L/min); water and electricity distribution: 0.92±0.20(L/min); tile pavement: 0.52±0.12(L/min); sand shoveling: 1.49±0.46(L/min); lay out: 0.89±0.17(L/min); as well as rough manual works: 1.01±0.17(L/min).


