  • 學位論文


A Study of Main Caregivers’ Parenting Styles and Children’s Autonomy─As the sample of the Public Preschool in Taichung

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究旨在探討主要照顧者教養類型與幼兒自主性的關係。其目的有 一、探討不同背景變項的幼兒及主要照顧者其教養類型現況及教養方式之差異情形。 二、探討不同背景變項幼兒及主要照顧者對其幼兒自主性發展現況及幼兒自主性之差異情形。 三、探討幼兒主要照顧者的教養類型與幼兒自主性表現之相關。 研究採用問卷調查法,以原台中市八大行政區公立幼兒園所幼兒之主要照顧者666位為研究對象,以描述性統計、百分比同質性檢定以及斯皮爾曼相關之統計方法,分析出四種不同主要照顧者教養類型與幼兒自主性之關係。 本研究結果及發現如下: 一、主要照顧者教養類型以開明權威型最多,佔36%;拒絕疏忽行次之佔34%;最後分別以寬大驕寵和專制權威各佔15%。 二、 幼兒性別、班別及家中排行序與主要照顧者教養類型無顯著差異。 三、 主要照顧者的教養類型與主要照顧者的年收入和族群有顯著差異。 四、 台中市地區幼兒自主性的表現,整體以「互動性自主」多於「功能性自主」。而細分則以「第一類型自主(高功能高互動)為最多,佔39%;次之為「第三類型(低功能低互動),佔31%;第三為「第四類型自主(高功能低互動)」,佔16%;第四為「第二類型自主(低功能高互動)」,佔14%。 (一) 不同幼兒之班別與排行序,其自主性表現有顯著差異。 (二) 不同年齡、家庭年收入、家庭型態以及不同族群之主要照顧者,其自主性表現皆無差異。 五、 主要照顧者教養類型與幼兒自主性之相關性為高度正相關。 綜合上述研究結果,分別針對幼兒主要照顧者、園所以及未來研究提出建議。


This study is aiming to discuss the relationship between the parenting types of main caregivers and children’s autonomy. Its purposes are as following: 1.To discuss the status under the different background of variables children and the parenting types of their main caregivers, as well as the differences of parenting methods. 2.To discuss the status under the different background of variables children and the development of children’s autonomy conducted by their main caregivers, as well as the differences of children autonomy. 3.To discuss the relevance between the parenting types of main caregivers and the performance of children’s autonomy. This study is conducted with the questionnaire survey, and takes 666 main caregivers of children from the original eight administrative regions of Taichung’s public preschool as the research object. We analyze the four different relationships from the parenting types of main caregivers and children’s autonomy, with the descriptive statistics, percentage homogeneity test and Spearman correlation statistical methods. The results and findings of this study are as following: 1.The major parenting type of main caregivers is authoritative, accounting for 36%; uninvolved type follow by 34%; finally are pampered with permissive and authoritarian parenting, accounting for 15% respectively. 2.There are no significant difference with parenting types of main caregivers and children gender, class and family ranking order. 3.There are significant difference with parenting types of main caregivers and caregivers’ annual income and ethnic groups. 4.The performance of children’s autonomy in Taichung region is overall more "interactive autonomy" than “functional autonomy”. The subdivision presents that "type one autonomy (high functional and high interactive)” is major, accounting for 39%; follow by "type three (low functional and low interactive), accounting for 31%; the third one is "type four autonomy (high functional and low interactive)", accounting for 16%; the fourth one is "type two autonomy (low functional and high interactive)", accounting for 14%. (1)There are significant difference for autonomy with children class and family ranking order. (2)There are no significant difference for autonomy with main caregivers’ age, family annual income, family types and different ethnic groups. 5.The relevance between the parenting types of main caregivers and children’s autonomy is highly positive correlation. Combined with above findings, we will propose the recommendation focus on children main caregivers, kindergarten and future research respectively.


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