  • 學位論文


The Effect of Technology Acceptance Attitude on Creativity Performance: Moderation of value fit.

指導教授 : 黃淑琴 吳曉君


從Simonton(1995)的創造力環境影響觀點發現環境會影響個人的行為與他人的歸因,而個人的行為與他人對此行為的歸因所產生的互動,彼此間會再相互影響,整體而言創造力是受「個人」與「環境」交互作用而產生的。根據上述,雖然可以瞭解到環境對於創造力的影響甚鉅,不過尚未有學者將科技接受模式、主觀契合度列入與個人創造力績效作研究。   因此,本研究主要目的在探討虛擬團隊導入創造力支援與輔助系統後,個體對系統的接受態度對其創造力表現之影響、以及其關係是否受到個體對隊友的主觀契合度認知干擾。本研究針對分佈在三校的大學生施行虛擬任務團隊競賽,每個團隊中的個體都需透過TeamSpirit系統完成專利產品之命名與撰寫提案書。本研究有效樣本148位學生,在控制課程類別(選/必修別)情況下,得到四項研究結果:   (1)受測者對系統的認知有用性會正向影響其使用態度。   (2)僅有選修課學生對系統之認知易用性會正向影響其使用系統的態度,而必修課學生則否;再者,兩類學生之系統認知易用性都可藉由認知有用性的中介效果而影響其使用態度。   (3)在系統使用態度對創意方案數影響關係中,選修課學生在兩者關係上呈現顯著正向關係,而必修課者則呈現負向關係。   (4)對必修課同學而言,主觀契合度會調節其使用態度與創意方案數之關係,當高接受態度與低主觀契合度、低接受態度與高主觀契合度時,都能獲得較多的創意方案。   根據上述四項研究結果,本研究建議未來在進行相關研究或教學時,若發現使用者對於系統接受態度低,可以利用促進團隊成員間的主觀契合度來補強對系統的接受態度,進而提高個人創造力績效。最後,本研究亦提出研究限制與未來研究方向。


Through the contention of creative environment influence of Simonton (1995) fined that environment will influence behavior of personal and attribution of another person, and interaction of the two items are influence mutually. The concept of viewing the situation as a whole that creativity is brought by reciprocation of “personal” and “environment”.   According to the aforesaid although we can understand environment effects creativity dramatically, there’s no theme of scholar include technology acceptance model and value fit in individual creativity.   The purposes of this study are to explore that the influence of adoptive attitude of individual on performance of creativity after virtual teams implement creativity support system and creativity auxiliary system, and the relationship whether it moderated by value fit of individual to participant.   This study is to be aimed at the college students of three universities to proceed virtual task team’s competition, every participant in teams all need to name and write proposal the patent-based product by Team Spirit system. Total samples of this study are 148, and it controls the course ( Required/ Elective Course). The major conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. The perceived usefulness of participants to the system has positive effect on the attitude toward using. 2. Just only the perceived ease of use of the students of elective course to the system has positive effect on the attitude toward using. And both two kinds students’ perceived ease of use all can affect their attitude toward using by mediator effect of perceived ease of use. 3. In the relationship between attitude toward using of system and the amount of creative cases, the students of election course has positive effect on both of the relationships, but the students of required course has negative effect on both of the relationships. 4. For the students of required course, value fit can regulate the relationship between attitude toward using and the amount of creative cases. Both high- attitude toward using with low- value fit and low- attitude toward using with high- value fit can get a large amount of creative cases.


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