  • 學位論文


Using Theory of Planned Behavior to Study Students’ Employment Intention:A Case of Department of Insurance, Chaoyang University of Technology

指導教授 : 唐明曦


大學教育旨在培養學生具備未來就業所需的職能,因此多數人認為大學選擇就讀科系應與未來從事之職業具備一定程度的相關性,然根據人力銀行統計朝陽科技大學保險金融管理系畢業後就業分布,只有不到三成的畢業生會就業金融保險產業,比例相當的低。 為瞭解學生對未來就業於金融保險業之意願及影響之因素,以利保險系提升教學成效及作為往後的教學參考,本研究以Ajzen於1985所提出的計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB)為主軸,以朝陽科技大學保險金融管理系學生為例,探討學生從事金融保險業之行為意圖,本文之研究以保險金融管理系大二及大三的學生為研究對象,發放問卷的方式進行調查,共計發310份問卷,有效問卷為254份,問卷有效率為81.94%,利用SPSS統計軟體進行實證分析,分析方法包括敘述性統計分析、信度分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定及迴歸分析等進行資料分析,驗證結果顯示行為態度與主觀規範會影響受訪者從事金融保險業之行為意圖。 在就業傾向的行為態度方面,當對受訪者來說從事金融保險業會感到愉快且能從中獲得成就感時,會增加其從事金融保險業之行為意圖;在主觀規範方面,薪資結構的影響、父母親的支持及周遭的人認為受訪者有能力從事金融保險業等因素皆會增加其從事金融保險業之行為意圖。


One of the aims of university education is to cultivate student’s competence for future employment, therefore, most people consider that undergraduate major should be in conjunction with future career selection. According to the human resource agency statistics conducted in March 2017, the percentage of the students from the Department of Insurance at Chaoyang University of Technology who worked in finance and insurance sectors is quite low, only less than 30%. In order to understand the influence factors and students’ willingness to work at finance and insurance sectors, this paper apply Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB)as the theoretical basis. The results of this paper can be used by the Department of Insurance to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and as future resources for teaching. This paper used questionnaires to study the sophomore and junior students from the Department of Insurance at Chaoyang University of Technology. A total 310 questionnaires were issued and 254 were collected. The valid response rate is 81.94%. The collected ones were further analyzed by Descriptive statistics, Reliability Analysis, Chi-square, Independent Sample t test and Regression Analysis. This paper found that the attitude toward the behavior and subjective norm of employment intention will affect respondents’ intentions to work in the finance and insurance sectors. In the attitude toward the behavior aspect, when the respondents will be pleasant and get a sense of accomplishment by working at finance and insurance sectors, it will increase their behavioral intention. In the subjective norm aspect, the respondents’ behavioral intention will be positively affected by factors, such as salary structures, supports of parents and the opinions of people who around the respondents think they have the ability to work in the finance and insurance sectors.


