  • 學位論文


Establishment of Volatile Organic Compounds Source Profiles for Various Emission Sources

指導教授 : 楊錫賢


本研究針對工業區各種固定污染源進行VOCs組成特徵與濃度的採樣分析,並建置指紋圖譜,納入CMB8.2模式推估周界大氣VOCs 的貢獻量。本研究採集100家工廠,每一廠家3點次,共300點次污染源樣品,另採集8個點次的周界大氣樣品進行其貢獻源推估。研究結果顯示在污染源煙道方面,印刷業排放口濃度大約為408 ppb~37608 ppb,樹脂業濃度為90.6 ppb~98526 ppb,化工業濃度為35.5 ppb~19706 ppb,科技產業濃度為42.2 ppb~2612 ppb,金屬製造業濃度為3.01 ppb~1720 ppb,塑膠業濃度為189 ppb~2221 ppb,接著劑濃度為1755 ppb,顏料化學濃度為1045 ppb。由於在工業製程上有機溶劑常會使用之物種有苯(Benzene)、甲苯(Toluene)、乙苯(Ethylbenzene)及二甲苯(Xylene) (通稱BTEX),對人體有致癌性與危害,故針對BTEX比值進行研究。塑膠業、印刷業、化工業、科技產業、橡膠業、塗裝業、樹脂業、金屬製造業、接著劑、紙類製造業各製程的BTEX平均比值分別為:0.19:152:1:1.33。而BTEX在油品方面也是佔有相當大的比例。由大氣樣品之BTEX的比值(0.47:20.7:0.48:0.77),發現在污染源方面,除了製程所用到的甲苯為主要之污染物,則BEX比值多少為汽、機車排放所影響。而CMB分析之結果顯示大氣樣品污染源主要以印刷業污染貢獻量較多佔38%,其次為樹脂業佔26%,再來為塗裝業佔21%、塑膠業佔7%、橡膠業與樹脂業佔3%、柴油車佔2%。


In this study, VOCs concentrations from stationary emission sources in industrial area were measured. The emission profiles were established and were applied for the emission source apportionment using chemical mass balance (CMB) model. One hundred plants were investigated in this study. There are three samples for each plant and there are 300 samples totally. In addition, 8 ambient air samples were collected and the contribution was estimated using CMB 8.2. The results show that the concentrations in the flue gas were 408 - 37608 ppb for printing industry, 90.6 - 98526 ppb for resin industry, 3.01 – 1720 ppb for metal manufacturing, 189 – 2221 ppb for plastic company. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene, commonly known BTEX, are often used as indicators of various emission sources. They are potentially harmful to humans. The average BTEX ratio for the plastic industry, printing industry, chemical industry, science and technology industry, rubber industry, paint industry, resin industry, metal manufacturing, adhesives, paper manufacturing is 0.19: 152: 1: 1.33. Gasoline is an important emission source for BTEX. The average atmospheric BTEX ratio is 0.47: 20.7: 0.48: 0.77. To compare with the emission sources, the vehicles are the major emission source. The CMB analysis results show that the main emission sources are printing industry (38%), the resin industry (26%), the coating industry (21%), plastic industry (7%), rubber industry (3%), and resin industry (2%).


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