  • 學位論文


The Impact of Web-Use Experience on Value Perception and Behavioral Intentions

指導教授 : 徐茂練


隨著體驗經濟時代的來臨,以及網際網路全面普及化,各式各樣的網站有如雨後春筍般的誕生,各家業者無不致力於設計與經營更具吸引力的網站,寄望從網站經營中獲取利潤,因此唯有站在使用者的立場貼心考量,方能贏取企業先機,其成敗的關鍵之一在網站能提供什麼樣的體驗感受給使用者,以及這些體驗感受對使用者涉入及價值感受與行為的影響,故本研究主要探討網站體驗的涉入、知覺價值與行為意圖之影響關係。 本研究以問卷調查方式調查336位網站使用者,透過結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling,SEM)進行研究假設之驗證。實證結果顯示(1)涉入對使用者網站體驗有正向影響效果,以吸引力影響最為顯著,為不同族群的使用者的量身設計活動是主要因素;(2)網站體驗對使用者知覺價值有正向影響效果,以教育性體驗最為顯著;(3)使用者網站知覺價值對行為意圖有正向影響效果,需全方位的彙整旅遊所需的各方面資訊於網站之中,讓使用者可在網站中得到所需的完整詳細旅遊資訊;(4)使用者網站體驗對行為意圖有正向影響效果,具備良好網站體驗的前提之下,除自發性的推薦宣傳之外,網站活動的推波助瀾功效也不容小覷。本文最後基於以上的研究結果,對實務界提供具體建議以及提出一些後續研究方向。


行為意圖 知覺價值 體驗 涉入


With the coming of experienced economy as well as the popularity of internet, a number of practitioners are starting to focus on establishing website to attract their client, which could also gain profit from it. However, only to be a customer-oriented business could help it stand out, and that the key point is what kind of feelings business offers to their clients and how these feelings impact customers. Thereby this study mainly focused on the influential connection of the involvement of internet, perceived value and behavioral intention. This research analyzed a number of 336 website users with questionnaire survey to explore and test research hypothesis by Structural Equation Modeling, SEM, Four results follow: (1) The involvement of internet will significantly impact on users’ experience, especially on attraction. (2) Internet experience will significantly impact on users’ perceived value, especially on educational experience. (3) Users’ perceived value will significantly impact on behavioral intention. It helps practitioners fully collect travel information, and upload to internet to awaken users’ awareness of their travel information. (4) Users’ online experience will significantly impact on impact behavioral intention. Online activities are also a key solution to attract customers apart from self promotion. Based on the conclusion, the useful suggestions are provided for practices, and the future research directions are also discussed.


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