  • 學位論文

觀光工廠服務品質、滿意度與重遊意願之研究 - 以寶熊漁樂館為例

The Analysis of Service Quality, Satisfaction and Revisiting Intention of Tourism Factory – Case of Okuma Fishing Museum

指導教授 : 陳益壯


中文摘要 近年來隨著國民所得與生活品質提升、國內旅遊活動跟著活絡起來、國內的觀光景點也隨之增加。遊客對服務品質滿意度及重游意願也提高.為了解遊客滿意度及重遊意願本研究以寶熊漁樂館觀光工廠之遊客為研究對象。研究方式採用問卷進行問卷調查、以游客參觀寶熊漁樂館後所填寫的問卷、回收 共計402份有效問卷。 研究結果發現寶熊漁樂館的遊客就性別而言,女性略高於男性。年齡分布以31~40歲者最多; 教育程度方面以大學為最多。婚姻狀況已婚最小孩子7~12歲居多; 居住地區以台中佔多數。遊客平均月收入以35,001~50,000元最多。 本研究發現遊客對務品質的重視程度越高、則其滿意程度越高 , 遊客滿意度越高則重遊意願越高,也就是說服務品質,滿意度及重遊意願都具有顯著的影響。因此建議業者提高遊客重遊意願 ,可針對服務品質,滿意度較低的項目加以改善。


ABTRACT In recent years, with the improvement of national income and the quality of life, domestic tourism activities are more active and sightseeing spots also increase. The satisfaction of tourism to service quality and willingness to revisit also increases. In order to investigate the tourists ' satisfaction and the willingness of revisiting, our study used the case of Okuma Fishing Museum Tourism Factory. We collected the questionnaires answered by tourists for our survey, total valid questionnaires are 402 samples . The result shows that the female tourists in Okuma Fishing Museum more than male tourists: the most tourists in age are from 31 to 40 years old, most of tourists bachelor degrees in education, the most tourists is married and smallest children from 7 to 12 years old and salaries are 35.001 to 50.000 TWD per month. Last, most of tourists live in the Taichung City . The final results are: the higher service quality, the more customer satisfaction . Moreover, the higher customer satisfaction is, the higher the willingness to revisit is. In other words, service quality, satisfaction and willingness to revisit have significant influence. We suggest Okuma Fishing Museum’s business would raise customers’ willingness to revisit, focus on improving the lower items of service quality and satisfaction .


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