  • 學位論文


Case Study of Planning and Establishment for A Wastewater Treatment Plant in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


摘要 台灣地區因地形之限制加上氣候變化之影響,水資源之蓄存空間本就不易,近年來氣候變遷導致極端天氣變化更為顯著,降雨時間分佈不均,使得水庫乾涸見底之現象頻傳,導致水資源缺乏問題頻傳。為改善水資源問題,除透過節約用水外,政府也積極開發多元化水資源,例如公共污水處理廠(水資源回收中心)放流水回收再利用推動計畫。本研究係以水資源回收中心進行分析。彙整水資源回收中心之發展現況,並透過民生污水與水資源回收中心利害相關者,鑑別出與回收水議題最具關連性之利害相關者為價值鍊參與者、社會以及使用者。以目前興建完成新光水資源回收中心為案例,分別蒐集相關資料,並結合本研究所鑑別出之三項利害相關者進行評估探討。並就該廠當初之規劃與設計進行相關社區環境與效益之量化,如何能取得綠建築與全國水資中心第一張智慧建築證書的認證,同時取得第18屆公共工程金質獎優等殊榮。綜整價值鍊參與者、社會以及使用者三類別之利害相關者議題分析及環境效益之量化結果,提出未來發展上可能面臨之問題,並提出相關改善建議。 關鍵字:污水處理廠、綠建築、滯洪池


污水處理廠 綠建築 滯洪池


Abstract Due to the terrain restriction and the impact of climate change in Taiwan, saving water through the period of water shortage has always been a great challenge. Especially, in the recent years, climate change has caused more extreme weather changes, and uneven distribution of raining season brought the phenomenon of reservoirs to dry out. In order to improve saving water resources, the government has been actively developed alternative plan, such as to construct public waste water treatment plants for water resources recycling. The purpose of the study was to analyze the development of waste water treatment plant, and to examine the pros and cons for all the users involved. In addition, the study focused on three specific roles that were highly affected by the water resources center, the constructors, the environment, and the users. Taking the newly completed Xinguang Water Resources Recycling Center as a case, the study collected the relevant data, and evaluated them in conjunction with these three roles. Also, in the original planning and design of the XinguangWater Resources Recycling Center, the quantity data were analyzed to explain how the center obtained the first building of the Green Building and the National Water Resources Center certification, together with the 18th Public Project Gold Award at the same time. Furthermore, the analysis results of the impact on the users and the environment were presented. Finally, based on the finding, the study had made some suggestion on possible future development for improvement, and to the benefits of the users, and the community around the water resources recycling center. Keyword:sewage treatment plan、Green Buildings、View of Detention Pond


【1】 台灣環境保護協會,水污染:嚴重影響生活環境與國民健康,百科教室。引用於2019年8月3日,取自https://e-info.org.tw/ 。
【2】 維基百科(2019)。引用於2019年8月3日,取自https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki。
【3】 東森新聞。引用於2019年9月10日,取自https://news.ebc.net.tw/。
【4】 蘋果日報。引用於2019年9月10日,取自https://tw.appledaily.com/。
