  • 學位論文


A Study of Fire Prevention Administration of Civilian Hostel in Nantou

指導教授 : 張子修


本研究以消防設備士角度研究建築物防火管理應注意事項,主要分為防火管理人,防火管理上應注意事項,及消防設備檢查,使用上常見缺失及業主使用消防設備上應注意事項,並點出防火管理無法落實之原因、及業主對消防安全設備正確的使用方法及操作順序,讓消防安全設備發揮應有之功能,保障人民身家性命及財產安全。 本研究指出政府對於建築物消防安全設備檢修申報及防火管理制度現行執行上不甚理想之處及應改善對策,以提供消防主管機關未來修法之參考,政府修法應廣納消防人員、防火管理人、消防設備(師)士、建築師、電機技師等專業技師、公會之意見與建議;對不符合規定之旅館及民宿業優先推動「防火標章」申請、違章建築管理、場所防火管理人等措施,加強管理列入複查名單,結合政府與民間力量共同做好建築物公共安全維護之責任。


The research was conducted to study the fire hazard mitigation operation from the view points of professional inspector based on field practical experience for civilian hostels in Nantou, Taiwan. Emphases were placed on the cautions for fire prevention administrator and critical points during operation/application of fire extinguishing equipment, and improvement tactics for disadvantages commonly encountered in the inspection. The results also brought to the attention of both government agencies and fire-related civilian organizations regarding the equipment and on-site inspection procedure for fire hazard mitigation in order to not only assure the safety of buildings but also reduce risk of loss in lives and property due to fire accidents in civilian hostels. The results of the study indicate that the current inadequate regulation in fire hazard inspection operation and lack of efficient inspection results report system should be seriously reviewed and revised by the government authority with inputs from related professional groups such as fire marshal, fire hazard inspector, architect and mechanical engineer. Results of the study also recommend that the process for “fire hazard-free decal” verification system should be strictly implemented for the civilian hostels that failed to pass the general inspection undertaken routinely in accordance with the current fire prevention code. Re-check procedure and on watch warning list should be established and enforced for some hostels severely in violation of the code and lacking adequate fire fighting capacity. Above all, fire hazard mitigation can only succeed with joint efforts by the government agencies, local civilian organizations and the professional inspectors.


