  • 學位論文


The Influence Factors of Internet Addiction of Vocational Senior High School Students - An Example of Hospitality Student in Taichung

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


本研究主要在探討餐旅群高職學生網路成癮與家庭背景、人格特質之關係。經抽取台中地區五所高職餐旅群(餐飲科、觀光科)之580位學生,回收557份問卷,回收率達96%,其中有效問卷回收506份,有效問卷率達90.8%,透過問卷調查來了解學生個人基本資料、家庭背景、人格特質與網路成癮之間的關係,結果顯示台中餐旅群學生有23.1% 有網路成癮的現象。 其中學生在性別、年級、學校、是否擁有智慧型手機、學期成就、每日上網時間有顯著之影響,顯示男生高於女生;二年級高於一年級、三年級;擁有智慧型手機高於擁有傳統型手機,學業成就低的學生高於學業成就高的學生;每日上網時間較長的學生高於上網時間較短的學生;上網進行的活動,僅線上遊戲與網路交友有顯著差異。 其中家庭背景部分:家庭收入、手足排行、父母職業有顯著之影響。 其中人格特質部分:外向性的 、愛現自恃性的 、神經質的 、嚴謹自律的 、和善性的皆有顯著之影響,僅聰穎開放的未達顯著水準,顯示學生人格特質明顯對於網路成癮有顯著之關係。為了更了解網路成癮學生內心所想的,輔導者需就成癮學生之個人屬性、家庭背景、人格特質來去探究成癮之造成原因,追根究柢找出解決之道。


This study investigates the relationship between Internet addiction and the family background and personality traits of students in hospitality and tourism vocational high schools. Overall, 580 students were selected from 5 hospitality and tourism vocational high schools in Taichung. Furthermore, 557 questionnaires were recovered, yielding a recovery rate of 96%, of which 506 questionnaires were valid and accounted for 90.8% of all recovered questionnaires. The completed questionnaires were used to determine how the personal information, family background, and personality traits of students are correlated with Internet addiction. The results showed that 23.1% of the hospitality and tourism students were addicted to using the Internet. Various factors, including gender, grade level, school, ownership of smartphones, academic achievements, and the total time spent per day on the Internet, exerted significant influence. Of the students who demonstrated Internet addiction, the majority was male, in the second year (compared with those in the first and third years), owned a smartphone, demonstrated poor academic achievements, and spent a substantial part of each day using the Internet. Regarding activities on the Internet, a significant difference existed between playing online games and establishing virtual friendships. The results of the student family background showed that family income, birth order, and parental occupations all exhibited a significant influence. Concerning personality traits, except for intelligence and open-mindedness, the following traits demonstrated significant influences: gregariousness, flamboyance and arrogance, neuroticism, conscientiousness and self-discipline, and gentleness. These results indicated that student personality traits are strongly and significantly related to Internet addiction. This study recommends that to comprehend the mentality of students who are addicted to the Internet, counselors should explore the cause of the addiction by focusing on student personal characteristics, family background, and personality traits, thereby identifying solutions to Internet addiction problems.


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